February 28th, 2009

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special Delivery For: [info]eeyore9990

Title: Hippie Aunts Are the Best Aunts
Author: [info]emiime
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]eeyore9990
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Luna/James II
Word Count: 3274
Warnings: James is sixteen.
Summary: Aunt Luna doesn't wear a bra. Jamie notices. Things, um...happen.
Author's notes: [info]eeyore9990, you should be careful what you ask for in your fest signups...my brain took your fantastic request and decoded it as "naturally, she wants you to write Luna/James II for her! " Thank you, brain. And thanks to E and M for indulging me.

Hippie Aunts Are the Best Aunts )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special Delivery For: [info]digital_devi

Title:"Wet and Wild" (or "In Service to the Ministry")
Artist: [info]venturous
Recipient: [info]digital_devi
Media: photoshop, pencil
Pairing(s): Kingsley/Tonks
Warning(s): blowjob, girl bits
Disclaimer:any recognizable characters don't belong to me; I am just borrowing them for entertainment.
A/Ndigital_devi, thank you for your fun prompts! I enjoyed playing with them in the shower, and learning how to make them wet. I hope you like it!

Wet and Wild )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special Delivery For: [info]ozma_katiebell

Title: Prove Yourself
Author/Artist: [info]silvernatasha
Recipient's LJ name: [info]ozma_katiebell
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Charlie Weasley/Parvati Patil
Word Count: 3060
Warnings (if any): None
Summary: Challenging a Gryffindor's ego was never a good way to start a night. It is, however, a good way to end it.
Authors notes: Thank you to my beta who stepped in at the last minute. I really hope you enjoy the fic, [info]ozma_katiebell; it was a pleasure to write for you.

Prove Yourself )