February 9th, 2009

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special Delivery For: [info]ceirdwenfc

Title: The Luck O’ The Irish
Author: [info]okydoky
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]ceirdwenfc
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Seamus/Lavender
Word Count: 6,500
Warnings (if any): None.
Summary: Romance is the last thing on Lavender’s mind at the moment, so when she runs into an old school friend who asks her out, she’s left wondering whether he wants the two of them to just remain friends.
Author's notes: Thank you very much to my lovely betas O and AS! Any remaining mistakes are my own. Happy Valentines Day [info]ceirdwenfc, I hope you enjoy this.

The Luck O' The Irish )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special Delivery For: [info]odds_are_evie

Title: Reaching Equilibrium
Author/Artist: [info]gelsey
Recipient's LJ name: [info]odds_are_evie
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Viktor/Fleur/Cedric
Word Count: 2105
Warnings (if any): voyeurism, exhibitionism

Summary: The three oldest Triwizard champions meet for a very private celebration before the Final Task.

Author’s notes: Thanks to my wonderful beta—you know who you are! [info]odds_are_evie, I hope you enjoy this piece!

Reaching Equilibrium )