February 25th, 2008

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]melfinatheblue

Title: What You Came For
Author: [info]themadmermaid
Recipient's LJ name: [info]melfinatheblue
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Lucius/Narcissa
Word Count: 1402
Warnings (if any): Sexual content

What You Came For )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]xylodemon

Title: England Expects
Author: [info]lyras
Recipient's LJ name: [info]xylodemon
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Word Count: 6,294
Warnings: Ginny is seventeen (so overage in the UK).
Authors notes: When the war's over, all Harry and Ginny have to do is pick up the pieces, but this isn't as simple as it sounds. Thanks to my beta-reader, who will be named after the reveal. All remaining mistakes are mine. And thanks for your lovely prompt, [info]xylodemon; I really hope you enjoy this!

England Expects )
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