Saturday, April 6th, 2013

Day 12 -- April 6 - April 12

There is more spring rain in the early part of the day, clearing out by noon. The clouds break up quickly and warm sunshine evaporates the rain that fell, making the day feel muggy. The temperature is warm enough so that this humidity doesn't feel at all chilly.

The travellers emerge from the forest into a clearing, where they can see the source of the running water they've heard off to their left for a couple of days. The road curves left, leading to a well-maintained stone bridge crossing the river. The bridge doesn't look as if no one's been there during the past fifty years. The river itself is broad. Its water is deep, running swiftly.

A troll, somewhat surprised to see people, emerges from beneath the bridge. His broad, burly form blocks access to the bridge as he observes the little procession of three wagons, some riders and others merely walking. Some of these people are oddly clothed but the troll doesn't really care. What draws his attention are the goats. The price of passage will be two goats.

Offer suggestions or ask about anything that isn't clear.

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Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Day 10 and 11 -- March 29 - Apr 5

Weather: Misty both mornings. Day 10 is dank and rainy. Day 11 ends up being sunny and mild.

Setting: Beyond Nettleswend, the woods become thicker in Gryffin Valley. All day long the sound of running water can be heard somewhere on the other side of the trees to the left of the travellers' path.

Events: Mainly the wraith hunt on Day 11.

Our latest newcomers are Julia playing Faith from 'Buffy' [info]chosenlehane and Lauren who has Jo Harvelle from 'Supernatural' [info]freakwithknives. Welcome!

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Day 9 -- March 20-28

Weather: Overnight clouds build up and the morning starts out grey, with a cold rain. The weather is also cooler than the day before, enough to chill everyone. Notably, those who had wraiths attached to them don't feel as cold as they did before, despite the chillier temps. The wraiths have now detached but they will still hang around and follow the travellers.

By mid-morning the rain stops and it remains moist and cloudy all day.

Setting: The road broadens out and the woodsy terrain isn't as close today. The spell anchor revealed they are approaching a village called Nettleswend. It's not a very large town, home to a few farmer folk. The only established business is an inn, where the inkeeper has hired one chambermaid and pays the farmer/blacksmith to do smithing as necessary. Most of the population turned to stone in their beds but there are a few around, trapped in stone in the midst of their normal activities (like one who was milking a cow at the inn's barn. He's still there on the stool but the cow has gone.)

1. Leaving the people-turned-statues behind, in the village inn most likely.
2. Scavenging more food, clothes and other goods that might be needed.
3. Like the goats, an animal or two might tag along, possibly dogs.
4. Any idea you'd like your characters to play out, such as exploring the little village or casting protective spells on the statues and writing the notes to them explaining what happened, would be cool.
5. Someone might notice cat-like creatures running around, and even just assume they're cats. What they happen to be are the physical forms of the wraiths. They will be stealing food, chewing on woolen cloaks and blankets, and other possible mischief after they follow the group out of Nettleswend.

What all Characters Would Notice: Amongst the magical items Holmes took from the treasury room back at Castle Thorn are what appear to be normal stones strung on a strong, silky and slender rope, and the same kind of stones also hanging from what might be necklaces. It turned out they are glowgems and if hung around the camp site like party lights, they provide a nice illumination against the dark of night. Feel free to have your character wear one as a necklace if you wish. It's not known if they have any real power besides providing some light, though they tend to make the one wearing them feel more optimistic in all but the most dire circumstances.

As the group spends the night in the inn, the glowgems end up being strung around the small pubroom. Mead can definitely be found here, as well as an Enchantian version of whiskey, which is very strong and raw.

Offer suggestions or ask about anything that isn't clear.

Last but Not Least: We have three new Harry Potter characters. Jules has already introduced the lovely Charlie Weasley [info]dragon_rider. Aly is bringing in the lively, tomboyish Tonks [info]trippingtonks and I added another Weasley by the name of Bill [info]weasley_cool.

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Monday, March 11th, 2013

Day 8

Weather: A gentle spring rain in the morning, enough to get anyone who's not wearing magically enchanted rain gear wet. Otherwise, the rest of the day turns out to be sunny, with a few puffy clouds moving along overhead, as well as more gryffins being sighted.

Setting: Still in a woodsy terrain but not very thick. The sunlight shines through the treetops easily and would do so even if it was summer with all the trees leaved out. A fresh green is showing on the trees and the grass is beginning to grow.

Events: During the afternoon, the group passes a lake from which fish leap and turn into birds which fly away. In the evening, after camping again, a gryffin flies down to approach one of the party who haven't picked up a wraith (they're not yet far enough from the pass to have separated from their victim).

Does anyone want to have a conversation with a gryffin?

The spell anchor reveals that they should be travelling near a village the following day. The statues can be left there.

OOC: I'm going to try making one day last about a week, considering that some players can only participate during the week end. Thank you,

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Plot, Feb 2 - indefinite for now - Days 1 - 12 (credit: Elya)

Under slight revision -- stay tuned!

I can't really see more plot being needed just now, so I'm putting in a week (OOC time) of not much progress for players to catch up on threads, characters to catch up with the group if they originally remained behind at Castle Thorn, etc. The revised version of the Wraith Pass plot is also here, so take a look at what's coming up.

Wraith Pass! )
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Monday, January 21st, 2013

Plot! (credited to Elya)

In the mountains! )
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013



Tomorrow afternoon (that is, Jan 1 in OOC time)...

Graphics and text credited to Elya
You are our only hope... )

And there it is. Now you know pretty much as much as I do about the main plot. Please put IC reactions that go in this scene here, and for anything IC that happens after the final event here, please make your own new posts.

And as always, questions or comments are welcome here, in the dropbox, or by email.
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Thursday, December 27th, 2012

Free roleplaying!


You find yourself in a castle...

Images and text credited to Elya
more... )

Free roleplaying starts now! Your character may arrive at any time. Feel free to start threads, make net posts, whatever you want.

A few reminders:

1) If you haven't introduced yourself, now is a good time to go back and read the introduction that have already been posted (they can all be found here) and then introduce yourself (and please tag it with the "introduction" tag).

2) Speaking of tags, please remember to tag any roleplaying posts (in the rpg or net comms) with your character's name and journal name, i.e. "char name (username)".

3) We have a lot of powerful characters, which is great, and please don't hesitate to act using your characters' powers, but on the OOC side please remember to use your character's powers responsibly and always ask the player before doing something to another character.

4) No leaving the castle until Jan 1! But feel free to try in any way you'd like. If you do venture into the thorns, they're prickly, it's really hard going, and characters tend to get lost in the thorns and find themselves back where they started.

5) If you have any questions, please let me know, here, at the dropbox, or by email.
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