April 20th, 2008

[info]my_sam_dean in [info]wincest_is_best

Ballad of the Winchesters, Parts 81-85

TITLE: Ballad of the Winchesters, Part 81-85
AUTHOR: my_sam_dean
PAIRING: Sam/Dean, John/Bobby, Rayna
SUMMARY: Dean gets Sam to share upsetting information. Rayna needs to go back on the vent.  Bobby and John talk about the vent.  Dean and Sam get the MRI results.  John and Bobby have some intimate time.
NOTES: I have based my knowledge of the NICU (Intensive Care Nursery) based on my own experience when I had my son 10 years ago. Although this is a spoiler, Emma's baby will make it. I don't want any of the committed readers of this story to worry about that.
WARNINGS:  Slash, Incest
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the boys. They own me.

[info]my_sam_dean in [info]wincest_is_best

Ballad of the Winchesters, Parts 86-93 - Complete!!

TITLE: Ballad of the Winchesters, Part 86-93 - Complete!!
AUTHOR: my_sam_dean
PAIRING: Sam/Dean, John/Bobby, Rayna, Caleb, Emma
SUMMARY: Rayna scares Sam and Dean. Drew and Emma find an apartment.  The Winchesters help Emma and Drew move.  Rayna's first Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Sam and Dean have some intimate time.  They get to feed Rayna.  Rayna comes home.
NOTES: I have based my knowledge of the NICU (Intensive Care Nursery) based on my own experience when I had my son 10 years ago. Although this is a spoiler, Emma's baby will make it. I don't want any of the committed readers of this story to worry about that.
WARNINGS:  Slash, Incest
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the boys. I just wish I did!

[info]my_sam_dean in [info]wincest_is_best

Song of a Softer Tune, Parts 1-5 (Sequel of Ballad of the Winchesters)

Title:  Song of a Softer Tune, Parts 1-5 (Sequel to Ballad of the Winchesters)
Series:  Ballad of the Winchesters
Rating:  NC-17
Pairings/Characters:  Sam/Dean, John/Bobby, Caleb/Emma (OFC), Drew (OFC), Rayna (OFC-Sam and Dean's adopted daughter)
Notes/Dislclaimers/Summary: I own nothing Supernatural.  Warnings:  Slash and Incest.  Sam and Dean bring Rayna home from the hospital.  They celebrate Dean's birthday.  Caleb and Emma grow closer.

Parts 1-5 )

April 2009

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