World In Her Hands OOC Community
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Pryzzle [userpic]

I know I promised a plot post before now. Read this to see why it hasn't gotten done yet:

Anyways, I'm going to tell you now what the plot is!!!

So this idea was submitted some time ago by Sam and I was saving it for a really special time. Now is definitely the time. We've cleaned house, made sure all who are interested are still here and it's time for an awesome plot.


IKNORITE?!?! Totally awesome idea. See, here's the deal:

God is basically going to go take a reeeeeeeally long nap and say fuck it all. So when people go to use their Godboxes, instead of taking them to their intended destination, it will fuck up and send them to some completely different place. The Godboxes aren't going to always malfunction. Some people can get to where they want to go, for instance the people you don't choose to have participate.

The way this is going to work is I want everyone who wants to participate comment to this post with each character they want to have in the plot. You can always change your mind later and add or subtract pups.

Once I've gotten all the names, I'm going to write them on paper and randomly pair them up. I'm also going to pick a ton of random places and choose one for each pair.

You have until SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH at MIDNIGHT PST to respond to this post.

I'm really excited for this one!


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Real life swallowed me whole, but I'm posting to let you all know that there will be a Halloween plot.

The one that won the poll was that your worst fear would come alive, a la Barbas from Charmed. You can read more about this demon and his power here: Barbas.

This plot will be live at midnight PST Friday night/Saturday morning. It will run for the weekend. You have until midnight Sunday night to play it, but if you want to backdate a log and you can't post it until Monday or whatever, that's fine. Just be sure that your timeframe is from Saturday or Sunday. Thanks!

The tag for this plot will be halloween fear!plot


Pryzzle [userpic]

Okay, so we just did the personality swap plot and before we start another one, Halloween is going to be here. So does anyone want to do a Halloween plot for the weekend?

If so, please respond to this poll!

This post is from the pryllie journal because the mod journal isn't paid, and you have to have a paid journal to do a poll!

Poll #4439 Halloween Plot
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

What should our plot for Halloween be?

View Answers

Turn into your costumes.
2 (14.3%)

All horror movie characters and plots occur, depending on your proximity to any character or town belonging to a movie.
2 (14.3%)

Horror and zombie type video games become real.
2 (14.3%)

Anything you fear becomes real, Ala Barbas from Charmed.
7 (50.0%)

Something else I'll put in comments
1 (7.1%)

Edited: Take 2!!!


FIXED: Okay, go ahead and check it out again.

Domino(Panther) swaps with Addison McCallany/OC(Lyn)
Scorpius Malfoy(Mike) swaps with Elle Bishop(Amber)
Peter Petrelli(Lyn) swaps with Anakin Skywalker(Maggie)
Sharon Carter(Maggie) swaps with Henry Jekyll(Sam)
Shang Tsung(Mike) swaps with Scott Summers(Sam)
Veronica Mars(Amber) swaps with Cable(Sam)
Qui-Gon Jinn(Pryllie) swaps with Draco Malfo(Kaycee)
Silent Bob(Emily) swaps with Rodney McKay(Keri)
Cheshire Cat(Maggie) swaps with James Sirius Potter(Lyn)
Bruce [Banner]Grey(Sam) swaps with Lyle Bennet(Mike)
Barbie(Mary/Mo) swaps with Ethan Gray/OC(Lyn)
Ray(Sam) swaps with Claire Bennet(Amber)
Dwight McCarthy(Sam) swaps with Severus Snape(Ryah)
Dean Winchester(Pryllie) swaps with Jean Grey(Panther)
Emma Frost(Panther) swaps with Uhura(Mary/Mo)
Myrene Carnegie/OC(Emily) swaps with Assiah Beta/OC(Maggie)
Mystique(Pryllie) swaps withLex Luthor(Mike)
Rajani Bhatti/OC(Ryah) swaps with Brooke Davis(Amber)
Phoenix aka Phi/Niks(Maggie) swaps with John Winchester(Keri)
Sirius Black(Lyn) swaps with Merlin(Sam)
James Kirk(Panther) swaps with Mary Campbell(Amber)
Bruce Banner(Sam) swaps with Gabriel Gray-teenaged/OCish(Lyn)

Okay peoples, there you go! If you have any questions about a character's personality be sure to contact the mun of that character! If you can't find how to contact that mun via the WIHH wiki or contact infos of the journals, contact the mods and we'll do our best to help you!

The plot will go live tomorrow night at Midnight PST and the tag is personality swap!plot Everyone please remember to tag your posts accordingly. Remember, this plot is active for a week, but you can continue to play it out for the month.

Everyone be sure to go to this post to make sure you sign up your kids for the personality plot if you want to join in!

Remember, the deadline is tomorrow at noon! I'll be making up pairings tomorrow afternoon!

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I've been a little busy with RL as you all know, and with Amber moving and whatnot, we've been a little lax with our plot timeline. The once a month plot plan kind of fell by the wayside, but it's back! For this month, we're going to run a plot for one week, and after that week if you want to stop playing in it you can, but you can also extend it for up to one month after the first day of the plot. This plot is not mandatory, and you can participate with as many or as few characters as you want. Here's the plot!!

We're going to have a personality swap! Anyone who wants to involve their characters will reply to this post with what characters. You have until noon PST September 16th to reply. At that time I will draw names from a hat to randomly pair up personalities to swap. If it's an unknown personality, there's always Wikipedia and Google to figure it out, plus you could always ask the mun of the original character to figure out how to act. Wouldn't it be funny if Captain America swapped personalities with Sylar? Or Rodney McKay swapped personalities with Barbie?

So anyone who wants to play in this plot please comment here with which characters you want to use. The afternoon of Wednesday September 16th, I'll draw names and post the pairings that night. The plot will start at midnight September 18th. That means between Thursday and Friday for you time-challenged peoples.

So join in the fun my friends!

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It's ickle time!!!!

For a refresher, read this post: The Ickle Post.

So I(Pryllie) fail and forgot to post this morning but as I'm sure you've all seen, the ickle plot is a go! My daughter's had a fever for three days and was throwing up yesterday, so hence my brain fail.

The tag for this plot is ickle!plot. PLEASE make sure you tag all ickle posts with that tag. And let me remind you, we should ALL be tagging all of our posts anyways. I know even us mods forget sometimes. Thank you to those of you that tag for people who forget!

Additionally, at the end of this plot in June, we're offering the option of keeping your ickles. You can have one or all if you so choose. You'll need to make a new journal for your ickle and then send an app to us mods. Of course we'll approve it, we just need it for our files. I will be out of town from June 19th-30th, so I've extended this plot til July 1st. When I return, there will be a new plot!!!

Okay, so we're going to have another plot! This one will have long term consequences if you so choose. And I'm sooo sorry Keri for taking this long! I HATE MY LIFE SOMETIMES!


This is the plot: For the rest of the month, and until June 16th if you so like, you can have an ickle version of your character! This plot will start off with the ickle being played out of your journal for your regular character and all posts with the ickle being tagged ickle!plot.

What this means is, your pup is now responsible for little them! This can be anywhere from a baby to a teenager to a young adult, depending on the current age of your pup.

A while back, Keri said that she was going to ickle John Winchester, and anyone who didn't want to care for their own ickle could make them go live with him! She said, and I quote!:

"You should let players know if they wanna ickle thier characters but they DON'T want to have their grown chars take care of them, that ickle John will take care of ALL ickles. Im thinking of a big blue Victorian house with all these different rooms with different adventures to be had in it. For example, the ickles could go in the jungle room or the wild west room or the space room. Ickle John would also have innate knowledge of any weird talents or backgrounds the ickles would have so he can take care of them.

If ickles do stay with their grown chars, there will be times when all ickles are brought to the ickle house to have adventures. And there will be times when all ickles are given over to their grown chars to give ickle John a break. Every week on Sunday ickle John will post the adventure of the week. The ickles can go in at that time or play with that room anytime during the week. And of course, ickles can have adventures on their own also. Rodney will adapt godboxes to allow for ickle communication, voice post or whatever."

This plot will be implemented Wednesday at 8 am PST! If one of the mods hasn't posted anything to remind you about it, go ahead and start posting!

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I'm setting up the battles for our big plot right now, so if you haven't put down who you want to play with yet, do it over here!!!

I'll have the matches posted by Thursday, and Battle Royale starts FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20TH!!!

ALSO!! So far the consensus for strikethroughs is this: "as if it were deleted text, nobody can know what was typed." We've got 38 muns in this comm and only 20 of them have voted. So if you haven't voted yet, and you want to, go here! I'm leaving the poll open until Sunday.

Here's a list of who's voted so far:
Jilly (twice) ;D

And last but not least...



Sooo finally, plot time!!!

Here's the deal. Months ago, Maggie came up with a fantastic idea for a plot. God's going to set up a BATTLE ROYALE!!! Here's the guidelines, taken DIRECTLY from Maggie's plot email, pretty much.

1. Post to THIS POST who's willing to fight, and the mods/God pair
them up, as many times as we can handle. Heck, if muns really want a
specific battle, they could add it!

2. After we get responses from everyone, in the next week we'll email all the muns and set up who fights who, what each pup can do, yaddah yaddah yaddah. To be fair and keep muns from God-modding, for every battle you win, you should lose one. That way there's fairness all around.

3. You guys be responsible to maintain and keep up with your battles,
because how much fun is it to wait days for another person to finally
reply? There can be a deadline if needed.

4. Using other verse-tools is valid. A human Marine against Mr. Shaw?
Catch him in one of Dresden's Doom Boxes, which absorb and contain
energy. (That'll learn him!) Even normal humans can use other verse-tools, no matter what it is. In the Battle Stadium, anything you can think of exists.

5. No fight to the death, unless cleared with the mods and/or the other muns. It could be a "and
then they vanished before the killing blow," called a draw, or simply
tapped out kind of schtick, like the Poke ball deal where the tapped out Pokemon faint and vanish into their Poke balls.

There wouldn't really be a winner/loser of it all, it would mostly be for bragging rights. And by no means do you HAVE to do this plot It's open to any and all pups, except pregnant ones. So even if your pup has no super powers, he/she can still kick ass against anyone they like.

Use this table and comment here with:

This plot will kick off something that Sam brought up months ago as well, our new "Plot-a-Month!" deal. Now every month we'll set off a new plot, one that will last a week, with the option for your pup to let it last for the month. We've got lots of plots in the works, at least one a month for the next six months!


Hey kids! It's that time of month! Time for the Halloween plot!!! OoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

Aaaand here's the plot. By a landslide, turning into your costume won.

So here's the rules.

1. This plot will start at midnight Thursday night/Friday morning and last until Wednesday, but any posts about Halloween will technically be dated for the actual day of Halloween. It's just so fun to play this kind of plot, one night isn't enough. Just consider everything related to Halloween past Friday to be backdated.

2. You can still post regular stuff if you don't choose to turn into your costume. It's a random thing that isn't mandatory. You don't have to participate in this plot, nor do you have to refrain from playing just because there is a plot going.

3. The moment a pup puts on their costume on Halloween, they become it. And because they have become their costume, unless someone else removes it for them, they wouldn't think to take it off. So all you guys thinking about sex as a Halloween character? Keep some portion of the costume on your pups so that they are still their costume. Unless you want them to pop back to reality mid-coitus. Then it could be fun! But be warned, if they put their costume back on, they'll become it again!

4. Unless it has expressly been agreed upon by all parties, anything plotty relating to your costume cannot be forced upon someone. I.E. if anyone becomes Jason Voorhies, Freddy Krueger, Dracula etc. etc. you can't kill anybody unless they are NPCs or the other muns agree. Just basic "no godmodding" rules apply.

5. Most of all, have fun! This is a crack panfandom game, and this plot makes it even more cracky. Be creative with your costume choices! Have a good time kiddies!

Official tag for this plot will be: halloween plot

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Okay, guys, singing plot is a go! Remember, characters communicate in song lyrics, with dancing, courtesy of the Dancing Demon from "Buffy". This will go through 11:59 PM, July 25th (give or take). Oh, and no 'splodey of main characters, just NPCs. :D

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