World In Her Hands Logs Community
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January 2011
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Who: Naki and Jacen
When: Tonight!
Where: A small bar in NY
Rating/Warnings: Brotherly hijinks may ensue?

Anakin ducked down into the basement bar. It was decently lit, fully of booths and small bar. Not immediately seeing Jacen, he slid into a booth, near a group of four people, who had fallen suddenly silent. Following their eyeline, he watched a blond man get slapped at the bar, prompting the group at the table to laugh.

Who: Jacen Solo and Mia Jesbar
When: This week sometime, 7pm ish. Slowtime for REALZ.
What: Meeting for coffee and ice cream
Warnings: Psh. So very vanilla.

Stop me if you've heard this one...Two Jedi walk into a coffee shop... )

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

Who: Jacen Solo, Anakin Skywalker
When: Tonight, at sunset
Where: Mexican Hat Rock, Utah
Rating/Warnings: Pondering, might swear

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