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Back August 19th, 2008 Forward
bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla Spencer, Veronica Mars, Brian Munroe and Azrael.
Where: Out and about somewhere in California.
When: This evening, after dark.
What: Birthday celebration gone wrong.
Warnings/Status: Swearing, some violence, rape. Really, DONT read it if that kind of thing bothers you. Just don't./Completed.

. . .happy birthday? )

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Who: Mia and Rajani
What: Crazy shenanigans
When: After Mia's job in Neptune is done, so... now?
Where: Well, it starts on Earth...
Rating/Warnings: Crazy randomness, if you really need a warning for that in a game like this.
Status: Complete

Mia and Rajani were both bored and had made vague plans. Very vague plans. This didn't worry Mia, of course. Unless... you counted the kind of trouble Rajani had gotten into with Rodney. Mia was trying to be good since officially starting her Jedi training, even though a part of her craved trouble sometimes. At least X-Factor allowed her the kind of thrill from real danger and real trouble, even if it wasn't her own trouble.

But she'd done almost nothing since getting to this new reality. She was bored, especially bored more than usual today. So that was why she was now godboxing to Rajani's apartment and ringing the doorbell.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan Echolls and Tesla Spencer.
Where: Home.
When: After her outing with Veronica.
What: Talk, angst, H&C.
Warnings/Status: Angst, bad words. In progress.

This is going to hurt. )

Back August 19th, 2008 Forward