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Apr. 18th, 2013


Who: Frankie and Daniel
Where: Daniel's dorm room
When: Thursday evening!
What: Just hanging out

Read more... )


Who: Sim and Ginger
When: After class, Thursday evening
Where: Near Van Tassel dorms

Read more... )

Apr. 16th, 2013


Characters: Rowan and Daniel
Setting: After dinner, potions classroom and under no professor's watch.
Content: SFW? idk
Summary: It's Adventure Potions time! Rowan and Daniel work on a few, *cough* side projects.

Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble... )


Sexy Style

Who: Jax and OPEN
Where: Outside the dorms
When: After Classes
What: Jax hates that 'groups' are banded at the moment, because it seems so counter to everything. Especially for someone who has a love for music. So...he's decided to entertain as many as people as he can without having them 'form a group'. How? By blasting a new mash up of his with his laptop. Admittedly, it doesn't reach too far, but it is the effort that counts, right?


As far as some adults in Jack's life were concerned, his obsession with music was a waste of time and intelligence. )

Apr. 15th, 2013


Toil and Trouble

Who: Daniel & OPEN
Where: The Potions classroom
When: Around 9:00pm
What: Daniel's in charge of open tutoring for the freshman and sophomore Potions classes. It's quiet right now, which means he's just taken the opportunity to hide some ingredients that probably would have been confiscated in the latest crackdown by the adults.


Mondays were quite in the world of tutoring, really. It was Sunday nights when you got the panic attacks and the realizations that oh, hey, there was a quiz and an essay the next day - on Mondays everyone was back to procrastinating until the next academic anvil was looming over their heads. Which suited Daniel fine, really. He could set himself up with his books, settle in, and when he was sure no one was in the hall, unlock the supply cabinet and hide a few bottles behind his own class supplies - where no one should bother to look. They'd only be there for a few days, he told himself. He'd move them again before Professor Figglesworth did the weekly inventory.

Until then, this would keep him from getting unnecessary detention.


Who: Sibyl & Bastian
Where: Crane common room
When: Monday after classes
What: Sibyl's ferret has gotten out again, and the search is on.

Still searching, still searching, just like a rolling stone )

Apr. 14th, 2013


Come on light my fire...

Who: Leon and OPEN
Where: Quad, after night fall
When: 8:00pm or so
What: Leon's coming back from the Library where he was attempted to write an essay until he was kicked out. Now he's just got his eyes peeled for adults before he started to fumble with his pill box.


Leon wasn't tired, which was probably a problem in the grand scheme. )

May. 5th, 2012


Characters: Bastian and Ally
Setting: Saturday, May 5th, evening
Rating: R for language, adult content
Summary: Bastian takes Ally out to a club for Cinco de Mayo, and part of a belated birthday present

That sound you heard was his jaw hitting the floor... )

May. 2nd, 2012


Characters: Maggie and Lys
Setting: Van Ripper Dorms
Rating: PG-13 (just to be safe)
Summary: Maggie and Lys get in some quality time and do their post-break catching up.

Gimmie a second, I need to get my story straight )

Apr. 30th, 2012


Characters: Casey and Open
Setting: The commons
Rating: SFW
Summary: Casey is on his way back to his dorm and has a mess to clean up

Why Why, says the junk in the yard )


Characters: Quinn & Open
Setting: The commons, Monday
Content: Worksafe (for now, anyway)
Summary: Quinn goes out for a bit to spend some time with her camera and bumps into someone.

The focus is sharp in the city. )

Apr. 19th, 2012


Characters: Rowan and Keegan
Setting: Their shared room at Ally's ranch, Wednesday an hour or so before the party starts.
Content: SFW, probable language and possible tickling
Summary: Rowan gets all gussied up, and Keegan... well... is Keegan.

If you're blue and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits, puttin' on the ritz. )

Apr. 18th, 2012


Characters: Everyone!
Date: Wednesday, April 18th 7:00 PM and through the night
Setting: Ally’s Home in Tennessee
Rating: R (for inevitable teenage behavior)
Summary: Ally holds a spring dance for the school at her home. Party it up!

It’s definitely not a Nashville party )

Apr. 11th, 2012


Characters: Ally Rae & Charlie
Setting: Quodpot field after cheer practice
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ally lets Charlie sit in on one of the Brom cheering practices to see if she likes what she sees, and tries to convince her to join the team next year.

Aren't those skirts a little short? )


Characters: Sibyl & Jake
Setting: Tuesday night, campus then near the river
Content: SFW
Summary: Sibyl takes Jake down to the lake to see the local bridges at night.

I was back at the river with you )

Apr. 8th, 2012


Characters: Bastian & Quinn
Setting: Newspaper office, Sunday afternoon
Content: SFW but with probable language?
Summary: Two of Van Tassel's finest minds get together to discuss some gossipy things

Front page story, guts and glory... )


Characters: Vinnie and Ash
Setting: Saturday afternoon, Empty Classroom
Content: Sfw for now? Will update if necessary
Summary: Vinnie and Ash attempt to have a mini study group



Characters: Casey & Izzy
Setting: Crane dorm
Rating: SFW
Summary: Casey has a little gift for his younger cousin

Nothin' but a little gift )


Characters: Quinn and Bekka
Setting: Sunday, VT Common room, for starters
Content: NSFWish? Bad language, naturally
Summary: Quinn doesn't have a good Easter and needs a little venting

Oh, smoke on the horizon )

Apr. 7th, 2012


Characters: Ash and OPEN
Setting: Backdated to Friday afternoon
Content: PG-13 at most?
Summary: Ash is just wandering the hallways, looking for something to do. then BOOM.

Walk this way/Talk this way )

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