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May. 4th, 2013


Shop 'Til You Drop

Who: Charlie and Mia
When: Saturday afternoon, in town
What: It's a beautiful Saturday, and time for girl time for two of WIA's crowning princesses.

Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one )

May. 3rd, 2013


Who: Daniel and Gael
Where: Their room, Friday evening
What: Roommate interrogation therapy bonding
Content: Well, they're talking about Leon...

I've tripped again and things are starting to get interesting )


Who: Leon and Sim
Where: Leon's room afternoon
Content: Drugs and Language
What: Leon is getting low on his supply, but recent events have left him wondering if he should up the ante.

Got a secret, can you keep it? )

May. 2nd, 2013


Characters: Bastian and Leon
Setting: After the um. Happy fun times with Em.
Summary: Em explodes Bastian's door and he decides to have a 'chat' with Leon about what the hell happened.

Welcome back my friend to the show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside. )


Characters: Emilie and Daniel
Setting: Van Tassel 3rd Floor Hallway. Early evening.
Content: PROBABLY worksafe. Maybe language.
Summary: A certain Shaw's not-girlfriend runs into that same Shaw's not-boyfriend in the hallway. Could be trouble?

Yeah I feel I'm watered down, whenever he's around-- I put on the crown of clowns and melt slowly to the ground. )


Who: Mari and Gray
What: Mari just being a nuisance with her favourite Van Tassel to piss off.
When: Thursday after class.
Rating: Probably swearing.

Read more... )

May. 1st, 2013


I Can Take Or Leave It If I Please

Who: Daniel and Leon
When: Early evening, just after dinner
What: After Frankie bursts into his room crying and babbling something about Leon threatening suicide, Daniel decides to go and check on that.

If Gael hadn't been at quodpot practice, there's no way he would have been doing this. )

May. 2nd, 2013


Who: Frankie and Jake
What: Frankie's car is making weird noises, she not to subtlety asked Jake to take a look at it.
Where: Parking lot after class
When: Tuesday, after detention and classes and dinner!

it's sort of a rattling sound, with whirring in the background )

May. 1st, 2013


Who: Charlie and Gael Nadia Xander
When: Wednesday, Lunchtime
What: The last class Charlie has before lunch is Care of Magical Creatures, which is her least favorite for legitimate reasons.

As if detention hadn't been bad enough, Charlie was also apparently the only person in the history of modern wizarding to be stomped on by a porlock. )


Who: Sim and Nat
What: Hanging out at lunch
Where: Outside on campus
When: Tuesday lunch time!

Read more... )

Apr. 30th, 2013


Who: Brian and OPEN
When: After classes, Crane Common Room
Content: SFW
What: Brian is doing some class work and was kicked out of his room by his roommate who was going a bit crazy with Brian's habit.

Tell me a story, pretty please. )


Who: Natalie and Ally
When: After school, at Brom
Content: ....Probably SFW?
What: It's Tuesday. And Tuesday means two things. Compulsive reorganization of Natalie's makeup case, and....telenovelas.

And also epic amounts of caffeine and snack foods, because why not. )


Who: Ginger and Vinnie
When: After classes, on her way back from cheer practice
Content: SFW
What: Ginger's lost in her thoughts, and shaking her head all over Charlie's detention. But also she has to shower and go work on her class work which sort of makes her want to cry. Charms, why do they always have to take charms.

For a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage. )


Who: Mia and Nadia
When: After class, Monday
Where: Nadia's room, Crane!

Read more... )


Who: Kat & Jacks
Where: the quad
When: Monday, after classes
What: dance party!

Read more... )

Apr. 24th, 2013


Characters: EVERYONE. BRING EVERYONE. As long as they won't rat us out.
Setting: In the woods outside of school, Saturday night


Apr. 23rd, 2013


Who: Leon and Gael
Where: Around the dorms, after classes
Content: NFSW, standard Leon issue.
What: Just some twin bonding to happen.

Dig up her bones but leave the soul alone )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Who: Daniel and OPEN (but particularly other ferretkeepers?]
Where: Crane Common Room
When: Monday, after classes

What happens when you combine a box full of packing peanuts with a ferret? )

Apr. 18th, 2013


Who: Ally, Chrissie, and possibly Rowan, Mari, and Hadley
Where: Chrissie and Ally's room
When: Friday after classes
What: Ally has been working on a decent distraction for next Saturday's party so the faculty doesn't find out. She needs something big and branches out to her most trusted advisers for help.

A little of this...a little of that... )


Who: Hadley and Leon
Where: Hallway
When: Friday after classes

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