Mar. 2nd, 2012


To: Casey[]
From: Austyn []
Subject: Study groups SUCK SO HARD.

Casey, I think that I'm just going to study alone for the rest of my life. I tried to get Lys to talk to me but she was all not answering which is weird so I'm hoping that she wasn't off making out with someone or something. Anyway, um. Hi. How are you? Do you know how to jailbreak an iPhone?

- <3


To: Alyssa []
From: Austyn []
Subject: Can't sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't sleep, Lys. I've tried, my legs are tired, my homework still isn't done and I've been poking at Facebook for two hours. Please, please help me.

Jan. 28th, 2012


[Message to: Gael]

To: Gael Shawface [382-XXX-XXX]
Subject: Good try!

I'm sure that Van Tassel cheated. They always do.
Either way though, after last Sunday?


Jan. 20th, 2012


[Email to: all Students]

To: all students []
From: Bekka []
Subject: update in primaries

To all:

Rick Perry has suspended his presidential campaign and lends his support to Newt Gingrich. Appropriate adjustments have been made and the table is open. Please contact me for any questions.

Hurry! Time is running out!