What Price? - July 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 19th, 2009

Charlie and Bill [Jul. 19th, 2009|04:05 pm]


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Who: Charlie and Bill Weasley
What: Comparing notes and clearing the air
When: Friday, 17 July, evening
Where: The safehouse where Bill and Fleur are staying
Warnings: I'm pretty sure Charlie swears in there somewhere. He always does.
Status: Complete

This is another chapter in a never-ending story. We'll be fine. )
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BACKSTORY: How It Happened [Jul. 19th, 2009|05:33 pm]
[Current Music |"Climbing Up the Walls" -Radiohead]

Who: Harry Potter
What: Snippets of Harry's recruitment into MI7
When: November 2007- May 2008
Where: London, The Ministry, Military Barracks
Warnings: PG-13ish for brief descriptions of violence and leveled threats.
Status: Complete, Narrative
Extra Note: Thank you to Allen for contributing to the first section with the NPC Charles Strickland and allowing me to recycle this from a thread we started earlier in the year and didn't finish. Most of the writing of that agent is his with some editing by me.

How would you like us to keep our attention firmly fixed on you, rather than them? )
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[Jul. 19th, 2009|07:43 pm]
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[Current Music |"Green River"- M. Ward]

Who: Harry, Shashi
What: Field investigation of suspicious magical creature activity.
When: July 21st, 2009, afternoon
Where: London, then Swanley
Warnings: Likely a lot rating.
Status: Incomplete

Human corpses drained of blood without any obvious signs of bloodloss at the scene of the crime seemed somewhat straightforward. The report came to Harry second, the primary agent first. As usual, he was included for his unique means of providing security. Perhaps this means they still trust me after the 10th, Harry thought wearily as he waited by the rendezvous point near Inn the Park, the upscale restaurant in St. James'.

At least he knew who he was meeting for this, a mission that would likely be a short case of tracking and surveillance, then extermination.
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[Jul. 19th, 2009|09:14 pm]
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Who: Lucille Granger and Harry Potter
Where: a grocer's in east London
When: Sunday, 19 July
Rating: G
Status: Complete

I believe there is fault and to spare on all sides. )
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Astoria and Zach have tea [Jul. 19th, 2009|10:05 pm]
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Who: Astoria Warrington and Zach Smith
What: Tea, gossip, and plotting
When: Friday afternoon, 17 July
Where: Redbridge House
Warnings: Rated P for Purist
Status: Complete

Need people intelligent enough but with the correct mindset. )
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