What Price? - July 18th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 18th, 2009

[Jul. 18th, 2009|10:31 am]
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[Current Music |"Fallen"- Sarah McLachlan]

Who: Hermione, Harry
What: Harry checks on Hermione in the guise of an official interrogation
When: BACKDATED, Saturday, July 11th
Where: Hermione's hospital room
Warnings: PG
Status: Completed

When you do... come back )
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|12:17 pm]
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[Current Music |"Kid Fears"- Indigo Girls]

Who: Bill, Hermione
What: Bill visited Hermione in the hospital.
When: BACKDATED, Sunday July 12th, morning
Where: Hermione's hospital room.
Warnings: Angsty material. Gryffindor foolhardiness. Rated PG
Status: Complete

He looked after both of us, didn't he? )
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|01:12 pm]
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[Current Music |"Gathering Data"- John Powell, The Bourne Supremacy Soundtrack]

Who: Harry Potter, Somerset
What: Harry answers questions about the 10th.
Where: Somerset's office.
When: July 13, 2009
Warnings: Discussion of violence. PG.
Status: Complete

Anything else of note about the individuals you tangled with? )
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