What Price? - June 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 1st, 2009

Owl Post [Jun. 1st, 2009|08:45 am]
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WHY: Because Ernie is allergic to bullets.

Owl Post

Private to Marcus Belby )
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frightened shadows appear behind the light and the coldness seizes me a paralyzing pain catches me [Jun. 1st, 2009|09:45 am]


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[Current Location |St. Luke's hospital for clergy, London]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Hughes & Jones
When: Late Night through morning (last tuesday/wednesday?) , not long after the Seren / Jones fiasco BACKDATED
Where: A field, a helicopter, a hospital
What: When an agent goes down, they call in a medic. In this case, the medic is a man of God. Talk of vampires, eating brains, sunshine, and a smattering of touching moments. And tribbles.

When I was her age, I liked Star Wars. )
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If that won't do smoke a joint or two but don't drink that wine [Jun. 1st, 2009|04:59 pm]


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[Current Mood |busy]
[Current Music |N.W.A., "Don't Drink That Wine"]

Who: Tony Rickett and Malcolm Baddock, with a cameo from Oz Bole.
What: In which the New Firm needs some old-fashioned goods.
Where: Esmeralda's
When: Evening, Monday, June 1, 2009
Rating: Probably PG-13+ for Tony's language if nothing else.
Status: Closed, Complete

It was a quarter to nine. The first customers had started drifting into the main bar at Esmeralda's, and the DJ was cueing up his "retro 1980s" set for the night. Normally this was Rickett's cue to either hole up in his cubicle or go home, but Oz got to him first and gave him a job to do.

Sorry, my son; tonight, the short straw is yours. )
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[Jun. 1st, 2009|05:29 pm]
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Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: The pair have a conversation about Neville's bias.
Where: Percy's office in the annex
When: after the Ministry meeting, last Tuesday
Rating: Low

After thoroughly commending Cho on her report, catching Seamus quickly to discuss the patronuses they had sent back and forth, and discussing Penny's position and potential positions to come, Percy finally gathered up his things and found Neville.

"Alright. Let's go up to my office to discuss this."

How I feel isn't wrong... )
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[Jun. 1st, 2009|09:07 pm]
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Who: Seren Fawcett-Finnigan & Juliet Travers Orfanos
What: A visit and an offer of "aid"
Where: Eryri Ysbyty
When: Early afternoon, Sunday May 31
Rating: G
Status: Log;Complete

...have you been debriefed by the authorities on this incident? )
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On Pornography, Art and the Nature of Truth [Jun. 1st, 2009|09:40 pm]
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Who: Saranchimeg Odgerel-Bolormaa and Mathias von Rothstein
When: Saturday 30 May, early evening
Where: a coffee house in Islington
What: Meg and Mathias discuss many a sundry thing.
Rating: PG

Contradictory truths would indicate there is, rather, no truth, would they not? )
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