What Price? - May 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 22nd, 2009

Message delivered early Friday morning. [May. 22nd, 2009|01:45 am]


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[Current Mood |content]

[Message written in Russian on a napkin]

Dove mail to Juliet )
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I hope that you're happy now like you're supposed to be [May. 22nd, 2009|09:54 am]


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[Current Mood |hungry]
[Current Music |Elvis Costello and the Attractions, "I Hope You're Happy Now"]

Who: Cho Chang and Morag MacDougal
What: In which an awkward reunion is had in an inconvenient place.
Where: Wagamama, Kensington
When: Friday, May 22, lunchtime

After a busy morning that included a trip to the gym, countless household errands, and a phone call from her editor, Cho was ravenous. There was a long afternoon of writing and an evening of research ahead, so on her way back home, she hopped off the Tube at Kensington to duck into Wagamama for some fortifying noodles. Chilli ramen, maybe. And perhaps some gyoza.

Her timing, she realised, was awful; it was the peak of the lunch rush and the place was packed. She was about to give up and leave when she spotted an empty space at the end of a table. She made a beeline for it, catching a server's eye en route; the waitress was already on her way over as Cho bent to ask the woman across from the empty space, "'Scuse me, is this seat taken?"
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They wanna rinse me out, use me up, cuss me down, fck me up [May. 22nd, 2009|12:23 pm]


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[Current Music |Dizzee Rascal, "Paranoid"]

Who: Tony Rickett and Adrian Pucey
What: In which information is delivered.
Where: The clinic in Brixton
When: Early afternoon, Friday, May 22.
Rating: PG-13+ for Tony's language.

Rickett had slipped out of Esmeralda's around lunchtime, with some muttered comments about having some errands to run. Marcus was mired in some other business and Oz seemed more interested in a stash of wizarding dirty books from the Ukraine that had been brought in by one of the thieves for whom they occasionally fenced goods, so they barely noticed as Rickett sloped out the back door of Esmeralda's and set off on foot for the clinic.

Three minutes before one, he rapped on the door. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, glancing over his shoulder occasionally, and nervously fingered the folded-up sheet of paper in his pocket.
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[May. 22nd, 2009|05:28 pm]
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Who:Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Emily Despard (NPC)
What: Two friends meet to blow off steam (and believe me, steam is blown). It turns sour when grief overtakes one. Hermione and Neville also discuss squibs, childhood, death, memory loss, and there's a whole lot of complaining. ;)
Where: London
When: week of May 10ish, 2009 (backdated)
Rating: Low

Lines of records surrounded them, the bright colors flashing out at Neville's eyes as he held yet another album up, examining the cover. He had one already tucked under his arm - the wizards had been inside the store for a good two hours. Emily had sat patiently at his feet, reading the covers while he listened to the music on a tinny pair of headphones, looking for something specific. Her patience, it was apparent, was beginning to wear thin.

Well, you were actually hiding from dragons... I was hiding from life. )
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[May. 22nd, 2009|05:30 pm]
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Who: Astoria Warrington and Draco Malfoy
What: Draco checks on the invalid
When: Friday afternoon, 22 May
Where: Redbridge House, London
Warnings: Sensitive subjects

After an exchange of owls, and a discussion with Chris and another with Jac to reassure them that it was all right, Astoria had arranged for Draco to visit her at Redbridge House. At the appointed hour, she was sitting in the parlour, waiting for her guest. She had hated to ask Jac for so much help dressing; it left the impression that she was weaker than she felt. But she should really be doing her own cosmetic charms now, or switching her own clothes on and off when it was time to change, and it was easier to let Jac do the work because she didn't feel up to it than to explain another reason. In any case, she was prepared now for Draco's arrival, as were the house-elves and Jac and Vida.
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[May. 22nd, 2009|06:01 pm]
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Who:Heather Jones and OPEN to all MI7 agents
What: Housewarming for Section A, courtesy of Section C
Where: the new place
When: Friday, May 22
Rating: Who knows?

Section A was a funny, funny place to anyone who worked on its outer eschelons.

Heather hoisted the fruit basket that her colleagues had shoved in her arms as she stood outside the building, staring up at the overhanging arches. The basket rested on a bony hip as she started walking inside, her step brisk. For a split half-second, she had the urge to turn around and walk away before she could see if the stories were true. But curiosity pulled, leading her into the lions' den bravely, armed only with oranges, bananas, and some sort of tropical fruit she couldn't recognize.

"Hallooooooo-" she called, her voice echoing into the depths of the station. "Anyone there? It's not quite quitting time."
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Owl to P. Weasley [May. 22nd, 2009|08:26 pm]
[Current Location |Redbridge, London]
[Current Mood |unimpressed]
[Current Music |"Sad Song" - Matt Nathanson]

Owl to P. Weasley )
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[May. 22nd, 2009|08:32 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: He quit the Order, but Neville just can't quit Percy Charlie
When: Friday afternoon, 22 May
Where: Camberwell, London, derelict site of the old Grand Surrey Canal

Charlie had left Mircea with Ginny and Ted for the afternoon's business in London, which included some Order duties that didn't require canine companionship and a meeting with Neville that Charlie reckoned was more social than work. He had sandwiches packed away in his rucksack in case Neville was hungry too. They were meeting at the old lime kiln, and Charlie reckoned he was a bit early, and Neville likely to be a bit late.
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...when i was calling for the answer that you probably should've known... [May. 22nd, 2009|10:50 pm]
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[Current Location |Dungate House, London]
[Current Mood |calm]
[Current Music |"40 Steps" - The Academy Is...]

Who: Lucius Malfoy & Christopher Warrington
What: A meeting
When: Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Where: OWLS, Dungate House
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Chris was used to the whispers. You didn't grow up Pureblooded and not understand that the rumours and half-truths were simply part of your life. Still, as he settled in one of the familiar seats, he wondered just what the other members were speaking of. Odds were, it was Astoria. Possibly, there was some lingering tidbit about his troubles before her return, but he'd acted with nothing sort of propriety since the rescue.

Which was, likely, another topic of interest amongst the men scattered throughout the house.

Taking his watch from the pocket of his robes, Chris checked the time to see how long he might have to wait for his companion to arrive.
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...do you think i recognise the look on your face when you think that i know... [May. 22nd, 2009|11:06 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |okay]
[Current Music |"Automatic Eyes" - The Academy Is...]

Who: Percy Weasley & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: An exchange of information for papers
When: March, 2008
Where: Ministry Annex One
Rating: G

'Mardy Bum,' really? )
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