What Price? - May 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 14th, 2009

School planning [May. 14th, 2009|12:00 am]
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Who: Fleur and Ginny Weasley, guest appearances by Margaux Weasley and Teddy Lupin (and a puffskein)
What: Ginny need to talk to Fleur about Fleur's Neville's educational plans
When: Mid-April 2009
Where: Shell Cottage

Hi, Auntie Fleur, we've brought bumpkin pr--- er, pumpkin bread! )
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[May. 14th, 2009|02:09 pm]


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[Current Mood |restless]

Who: Augustus Pye and Viktor Krum
What: An offer on drinks is being accepted.
When: Evening, May 14, 2009
Where: The Sporting Page in Chelsea

Sitting at a table near a corner of the sports bar, Gus spent his time by glancing between the different telly screens at the footy matches they were broadcasting and watching for the familiar man to come in. That and trying not to be nervous. Really, Viktor was just a man like any other, he shouldn't be getting butterflies just because he played Quidditch. Played Quidditch very well, but that was beside the point. There was also the added nervousness of if they were to discuss the book he had suggested. It was one of his favorites, so it always made him twitchy to think that maybe someone he suggested it to wouldn't like it. Taking a sip of his beer, he made a face as a particularly hard collision happened on one of the screens, causing the men at the bar to groan loudly.
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the suffering and the sorrow and the glory, the shame The killing the dying, it was all done in vain [May. 14th, 2009|03:36 pm]


[Current Location |London - MI7]
[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Phillip Hughes & MI7
When: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 (Backdated)
Where: London MI7 headquarters
What: Memorial service for Field Agent Peter Alan Carnegie

Think not only upon their passing, remember the glory of their spirit. )
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"Clever got me this far, then tricky got me in..." [May. 14th, 2009|10:44 pm]
[Current Music |"The Package" : A Perfect Circle]

Who: Samrat Amarnath and NPCs Majd Amarnath, Sally Crewes, and Irshad Shakeel
What: Accidents happen. But once a thing is done, sometimes it can't be undone.
Where: London, England
When: early Wednesday, May 13
Rating: R for lots of language, unpleasant references of assorted kinds

Majd was weeping in the corner still - he had been collapsed for over twenty minutes by Samrat's count. It was stark contrast to Sally's figure as she strode in, cutoff jeans and jagged fingernails. Her trainer slapped the chair leg as she looked at the older man, pale eyes filled with scorn.

There would be no distinctions. No more war. )
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