What Price? - May 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 12th, 2009

Owl from Wiltshire to Redbridge House, London [May. 12th, 2009|12:10 am]


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I hope the reunion goes well. I know timing is quite bad, but if you can spare a moment I've a matter of some urgency that I wish to discuss. I've been splitting my time between London and the O.W.L.S. club room and the Manor in Wiltshire. I could meet you at either or come to you.


PS: I read a very interesting letter in the Prophet today, from one "L. T. Collatinus". I'm very much in agreement with the sentiment of it. I'd recommend you read it, if I were not sure that you have already done so.
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[May. 12th, 2009|07:14 pm]



Who: Charlie Weasley and Teddy Lupin
What: Honorary uncle time while walking the wards
When: Late Tuesday afternoon, 12 May
Where: Ginny's farm in Wales

Teddy was old enough to have his own wand now, Charlie thought. Old enough for his own wand and his own broom, and not just to practise occasionally, under supervision, with Uncle Charlie's.

Ginny's two boys, older and younger, were walking along the back end of Ginny's farm, Mircea occasionally running ahead to chase the enchanted Snitch. There was a rucksack over Charlie's shoulder. It had once contained snacks for boys and dog in it along with the leaden weight that was Charlie's journal, with its unanswered questions from Percy and Lucius Malfoy. He'd slept on his answer, dealt with Order business, read Malfoy's and Percy's dispatches, and still wasn't quite ready to commit quill to parchment. Instead he'd told Ginny he'd walk the wards with Teddy.

Do you think if there's a birthday party, Uncle Percy will come? )
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rub a dub dub [May. 12th, 2009|07:21 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger, Samrat Amarnath, Katie Bell
What: Katie comes clean to those she should trust
Where: Freya's Chariot and environs
When: Tuesday, May 12th, evening

Katie leaned against a old, dented Volvo in the car park across from the slip. Although it probably wasn't necessary, she had done some fancy footwork to make sure she hadn't been followed, and had ended up arriving to the pier fairly early. Leaning against the cool metal, she watched the people walk to and fro, keeping an eye out for any familiar faces in the crowd.
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I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts [May. 12th, 2009|10:14 pm]


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[Current Mood |amused]

Who: Penelope Clearwater, Augustus Pye, and Percival Weasley
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 (backdated)
Where: Gus' flat in Chelsea
What: 'Class of 1994' weekly dinner in which relationship secrets are revealed, gifts are given, silliness is had, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is discussed, and an expedition is begun which will eventually end (offscreen) with a bent knife, broken hammer, improper use of a bone saw, and everyone covered in coconut juice.

Did I break your brain Percy? I'm sorry. )
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[May. 12th, 2009|10:39 pm]


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[Current Mood |grumpy]

Who: Augustus Pye and Penelope Clearwater
When: Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 6pm (backdated)
Where: Gus' flat
What: Penny stops off at Gus' flat to drop off her electronics before her meeting with Adrian. Many topics are covered, arguments are had, and harsh words exchanged.

Oh, you are quite insane, but we knew that already from years ago. )
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Letter to the Editor, Daily Prophet, May 12, 2009 [May. 12th, 2009|11:33 pm]
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Ed. Note: We do not print every owl we receive, especially owls of this nature. Sometimes we choose to when the letter is both sufficiently entertaining and makes some valid points.

Dearest Eddie (I may call you Eddie, mayn't I? Since we're friends and all...),

Whilst it is abundantly clear from L.T. Collatinus's letter of the 11th last that he and/or she is a serious thinker who seriously managed to stay awake during Binnsy's lectures on the founding of the Roman Republic, it is also quite clear that she and/or he believes that being unbiased means telling two mutually exclusive lies at the same time.

If Mr. Collatinus means, by describing Smith as "brilliant" that he is a sparkling gem amongst men, then he and/or she is even more deluded than NAME WITHHELD (aside: on advice of consul?). He may have the ability to "dazzle" the kind of impressionable young women who swan about over him, but Smith is a pale shadow of what we used to have on the wireless. What passes for biting commentary in the present semi-darkness would burn away completely in the light of day.

In short, Mr. Smith should chose a better nom-de-plume than NAME WITHHELD and his mother should not write to The Prophet as a Roman praetor.

Your friend in wireless dissatisfaction,
Smack Ziff McFakename-Witheld
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