What Price? - April 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 23rd, 2009

Backstory: Gus and Percy [Apr. 23rd, 2009|12:55 am]


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[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Augustus Pye and Percival Weasley
What: Percy comes over to Gus' flat to ask him about his behavior at dinner the night before.
Where: Gus' flat in Chelsea
When: The night after the 'class of 1994' dinner argument.

Stop trying to talk me into circles, Augustus, and just tell me what you really think. Without all this qualifying and hedging and emoting you've been doing. )
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Backstory - MI7 York & Hughes discuss Astoria [Apr. 23rd, 2009|12:24 pm]


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[Current Location |MI7]
[Current Mood |discontent]

Who: Col. York & Fr. Hughes, MD
Where: MI7
When: April, 2009
What: A series of Office Memorandums followed by a conversation about prisoners, healing, and the like.

We're at war, Father. I'm sure you understand. )
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Backstory: Viktor and Gavrail [Apr. 23rd, 2009|01:31 pm]


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[Current Mood |ecstatic]

Who: Viktor Krum, Gavrail Iliev, NPC Iliya
Where: by the Stariya Briast, Sliven, Bulgaria
When: Summer 1999
What: While Viktor's out getting a taste of the local culture, he learns a bit more than he planned on when he runs into a band of Roma.
Notes: For those interested in an idea of the visuals of the dancing, there are some examples here (a little NWS for hip thrusting action), here , and here.

Do you like music and dancing? Because if you do, you will not find any finer music and dancing in all of Bulgaria than that of my family's. )
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Backstory: Lucius Malfoy and Juliet Orfanos [Apr. 23rd, 2009|11:35 pm]


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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Juliet Orfanos
What: In which Juliet seeks expert advice.
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: 2003

If -- Circe forbid -- worse comes to worse, I should hate to have it happen all over your sitting room. )
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