August 31st, 2007

[info]petermaxwell in [info]weightwatchers


I hate plateaus.

Gained .2 this week, which equates to about two ounces. Which could easily be eliminated due to the fact that I had to pee when she weighed me.

I need to watch my points better, and make sure I'm getting them all in and not going over like I'm sure I did last night when we went to Red Robin.

I finally got my hands on one of the organizers, they've been out for a while at my meetings and they had ONE sitting there this week that was marked down to $5. I snagged it, and am going to use it to help clean out my Purse-O-Doom that I could likely cripple a man with. Having my WW stuff in one spot will also (hopefully) help me remember to keep track better.

SW - 235
CW - 223
GW - 130

[info]0nly_human in [info]weightwatchers

WI week 18!

Well I gained .6 this week. I think it's because it's that time of the month. Oh how I loath bloating. Which also means for the 3rd strait week I've been at the same weight. I'm stuck in a rut. I also have been feeling so awful. I made a doctors appt for next week. I have a feeling I'm going to be diagnosed with depression which is scary for me. I hate being on medication.

Something really cool happened this week. We were talking about resources and one person was talking about meetings and how she liked seeing how everyone else was doing. And TWO people said I was an inspiration to them because they could see me getting smaller. Can you imagine that?? I'm an inspiration to someone. That just shocks me. You can click here to see some before and after pictures.

June 2008

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