August 17th, 2007

[info]cinderbella84 in [info]weightwatchers

Hello! *tiny wave*

I'm Jackie, 22, 5'10" and about 359 pounds. I'm not a Weight Watchers member, but I am watching my weight, amirite?? :D


SW: 370
CW: 359 (down 11 pounds!)
GW: 200

My goal weight is rather high for my height, but I'm very broad and wide set. I have wide hips and shoulders. Any less than about 180 and I'd look skeletal. So that's what I'm aiming for. :) I have a mini-goal of 350 pounds. I've been watching what I eat and walking at lunchtime for about 3 months now. Sloooooowly taking it off. I don't want to push myself too hard or anything. I want to make gradual changes in how I live my life. :)

I'm a member of MyFoodDiary and it has been an invaluable resource. It's $9 a month to join, but totally worth it. :D

Um....yup. That's me. :D Hi!


[info]wretchedpixie in [info]weightwatchers

Hello, all.

I'm doing the Weight Watchers thing again. Last time, I lost 75 pounds. I've managed to put most of it back on. Take one gall bladder operation, one long term bout of depression and just plain old me not having the willpower, well, I undid all the good I had managed to do.

But I'm tired of being tired. Tired of being sad. Tired of being unhealthy. I can't actually rejoin WW until August 21, but I'm trying to get back into the mindset. Ya know what gets me? When I had the right mindset, even if I'd had a bad week, it was okay. I miss the meetings. I'm so excited to be going back.

Here's to an OP day to everyone! Hugs and smiles.

My stats:
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 238.7 (Not official, but it was on a home WW scale. I'll know the offical weight on th 21st.)
Goal: 145
Mini goal: Not to chicken out before the 21st and actually make it to that first meeting.

[info]0nly_human in [info]weightwatchers

Week 16! (x-posted)

So after my constipation issues last night (don't ask) I didn't get much sleep and I'm incredibly gassy today. I haven't been feeling well because of above issues so I wasn't eating all my points and I wasn't exercising. I didn't loose this week, but on the bright side I didn't gain either. Thankfully. I'll just have to try real hard this week if I can get rid of second said issue. Hope you guys have a good week!

SW: 316
CW: 284
GW: 150

June 2008

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