Jun. 22nd, 2008


Fic: "Epiphany"; Harry/Ron; G

Title: “Epiphany”
Author: [info]auntbijou
Rating: G
Pairing: None really
Summary: Epiphanies are very personal, very private events, and can turn your world upside down. It takes a teething Teddy Lupin for Ron to finally understand Harry’s childhood, and what it meant.
Warning: Screaming baby (cover your ears), mentions of past abuse.
Words: 2,235
Disclaimer: It all belongs to J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this, it is for entertainment purposes only.
A/N: I’ve often wondered just what Ron and Hermione thought growing up in the Dursley household was like for Harry. And how they dealt with it, most especially Ron, since he came from such a loving home. And this is what my mind came up with. Enjoy!

Epiphany )

May. 15th, 2008


Fic: "Heroes and Hobbits" Percy/Hugo, G

Title: Heroes and Hobbits
Author: [info]auntbijou
Rating: G
Pairing: Percy and Hugo… oh, GET your minds out of the gutter, it’s G, fer gossakes!!!
Summary: Heroes aren’t always the world-saving kind. Sometimes, they’re just there to read a good book.
Warning: It’s sort of epilogue compliant, given that we have no idea what Percy does for a living.
Words: 1,659
Disclaimer: It all belongs to J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien. I just like to play in their universes from time to time while I hone my craft!
A/N: Happy belated birthday, [info]emiime!! Sorry it took me a day longer than I expected, but here it is, and oh, I do so hope you like it!

Heroes and Hobbits )

May. 9th, 2008


Fic: Here There Be Dragons; Charlie/Harry; Soft R

Title: Here There Be Dragons
Author: [info]auntbijou
Pairing: Charlie/Harry
Word Count: 956
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Sometimes, Harry needs explanations. Even if it is first thing in the morning.
Disclaimer:> Don’t own it, don’t make any money from it, just like to play with it.
Warning(s): established relationship, male/male
A/N: I just LOVE Charlie Weasley. And originally wrote this for [info]dragon_handler, which is, of course, no more. *sniff, sniff* Besides, what’s not to love about Charlie? He’s a Weasley, he handles dragons, he’s brave, he was a legendary Seeker for Gryffindor before Harry Potter ever came to Hogwarts… yeah… shutting up now. Go read!!

Here There Be Dragons )

July 2014




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