May. 31st, 2008


FICLET: Mother's Milk ~ Harry/Ginny ~ NC17

Title: Mother's Milk
Author/Beta: [info]florida_minxie/[info]eeyore9990
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~900
Highlight for Warnings Enticements: *D/s, nursing*
Disclaimer: Not mine…I just play with them and make them happier for it.
Summary: Someone earned a reward.
Notes: Um, if nursing mothers and stuffs along those lines squicks you – pass this one by, yeah?

Mother's Milk

May. 30th, 2008


FICLET: What Harry Wants... ~ Harry/Ginny ~ NC17

Title: What Harry Wants…
Author/Beta: [info]florida_minxie/[info]aeryun
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 100 x 5
Highlight for Warnings Enticements: *toys*
Disclaimer: Not mine…I just play with them and make them happier for it.
Summary: Ginny can't give Harry what he wants. Or can she?
Notes: Yes, I know it is Harry/Ginny. Shut. Up. *g*

What Harry Wants…

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Fic: Spaces Between; Harry/Ginny; mild PG-13

Author: [info]brimac13
Title: Spaces Between
Rating: Teen-ish (mild sexuality)
Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Neville/Ginny friendship, implied unrequited Severus/Lilly
Summary: She decides then and there that this is the way she wants to spend the rest of her life—waking up in Harry’s arms.
Warnings: borderline Emo-Angst, allusion to attempted rape, canon
Words: 1,660
Disclaimer: JKR owns it.

Spaces Between

X-Posted: [info]ginny_love, [info]socanon_hp, and [info]weasley_loving

Aug. 13th, 2007


Several Ginny Fics

I've been updating my ij with all my lj stuff, so I have quite a few Ginny-centric fics to post here.

Title: Blame It On The Hormones Fic Info )

Title: Watching Ginny Weasley Fic Info )

Title: Love--Or The Absence Thereof Fic Info )

Title: Surprises Fic Info )

Title: The Letter Fic Info )

Title: The Fourth Floor Loo Incident Fic Info )

Title: Jealousy Fic Info )

Title: Friend of Mine Fic Info )

Title: Beast of Burden Fic Info )

Aug. 11th, 2007


Fic: Years; Ginny-centric with Harry/Ginny overtones; G

Title: Years
Author: [info]brimac13
Pairing:Ginny-centric with Harry/Ginny overtones
Word Count:1,183
Rating: G
Summary: Events from Ginny Weasley's perspective over the years she's known Harry Potter.
Disclaimer: Not Mine. Seriously.
Warning(s): Het, Canon-Compliance, and Deathly Hallows Spoilers


July 2014




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