February 2016

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April 16th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble


InsaneJournal went down for everybody for over 24 hours. You can see a little bit of news info here - http://asylums.insanejournal.com/announcements/51282.html and you can see information about fund raising so Sqeaky can change providers here= http://asylums.insanejournal.com/announcements/51055.html

It looks like no data was lost, which is good.

Due to the outage, I'm going to give you guys until the 18th to work on your challenge logs.

By the end of the day on the 18th they need to be at least started.

Also, a decision about challenges has been made. If you sign up for them and don't participate, you won't be allowed to sign up for another one for some time unless you have a very valid reason for not doing it. If this happens chronically, you will not be allowed to participate in challenges at all. We do these things for fun, but you're ruining other people's fun by not taking part in something you've agreed to do. Especially when they're things like pairings, where your partner depends on you for interaction.

The words 'you' and 'your' etc used figuratively

[info]i_execute in [info]we_babble

excused absence

Ditto Lauren's post, I will be unavailable from Friday morning-ish until Tuesday afternoon. I have to travel to be at the 'rents for the holiday.

Also, my baby sister just had a baby girl of her own! So there will be much cooing over the tiny Preemie Baby (well, not so tiny for a 34 week old, 5 lbs 12 oz :D)

Will update as much as I can today and tomorrow, then again Wednesday through Friday. Saturday I'm off as usual and then Sunday is holiday too.....then resume normal activity.

Got that? There will be a quiz following the break.......