Posts Tagged: '%E2%9C%95+zane+terzo'

Dec. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Noa Garland, Zane Terzo, & Star feat. Castor Vance
WHAT: Kidnapping
WHEN: Dec. 10th
WHERE: Ganymede
WARNINGS: N/A other than the actual kidnapping it’s pretty tame??

“It should’ve been me. I’m so sorry, Cas. It should’ve been me.”  )

Nov. 11th, 2015



if i risk it all, could you break our fall?

WHO: Castor Vance, Star & Zane Terzo
WHAT: The least heartfelt sibling reunion in the history of ever, ft. Star.
WHEN: Earlier today, pre-ceremony
WARNINGS: none, idk swearing

No, this is my friend, Zane. He's Kamikaze's pilot. A really good one at that! I met him back in Mars when we used to street race. Isn't he cute? )

Nov. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Star & Zane Terzo.
WHAT: Getting kicked out.
WHEN: Oct. 31st, backdated because yes.
WHERE: Ganymede, club.
WARNINGS: N/A?? just some drunk creeper.

“Stranger danger at 4 o'clock. You’re now my super hot Martian model boyfriend. You know five languages and your name is Alejandro. You serenade me with a spanish guitar and you also make killer pancakes, got it?” )

Oct. 4th, 2015




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