IC Logging for The Warrant

May 2016


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Posts Tagged: '%21narrative'

Mar. 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Alloy
What: Three snapshots of Alloy's past life and something in the present. Would have been more but I need to go to bed
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Child slavery - selling and illusion to it, breaking and entering by a child, grown adult slapping a child (once)

**I've individually cut them and placed warnings relating to the specific events in the drabble**

Alloy, aged 3. Warnings: None (adorableness?) )

Alloy, aged 6 1/2. Warnings: Child abandonment/child slavery/slapping a child's face once )

Alloy, aged 10. Warnings: Children committing crime, talk of child abandonment and slapping of children but nothing graphic, just alluded/mentioned too )

Alloy, present day, Warnings: Talk of alcoholism, mild swearing, illusion to suicidal thoughts and depression. )

Mar. 17th, 2016


[No Subject]

Who: Euphemia & NPCs mentions.
What: Aren't the Ides of March great?
Where: Ganymede: RAC HQs, around the city.
When: Yesterday!
Warnings: References to violence, murder, trauma, PTSD.

You do not have to be good. )

Feb. 22nd, 2016



narrative: revenge is a dish best served cold

WHO: Gemma Diaz-Petit, with guest appearance of Rachelle Diaz-Petit
WHAT: Narrative made of vignettes leading to new Whiskey Sour plot.
WHEN: Over the years
WHERE: Many places
RATING: Full of cuteness and then sads.

She wished she could say some part of her knew when it went wrong. )

Feb. 21st, 2016



is there somebody who can watch you?

WHO: Mercy Frey.
WHEN: Pre-RAC, then after the warrant.
WHERE: Tijuana and Ganymede?? ish.
WHAT: Names are a heavy load to bear.
WARNINGS: self-deprecating poke at my own writing goes here

You’re not my mother. )

Feb. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Beatrice Krumholt
Where: Io. Tijuana. Pluto. Her mind.
When: The past. More specifically, though, the thoughts went through her head after she got the dossier for this and it kinda doesn't make sense without looking at that? Look at that BEFORE reading this? Oh, for actual When.. the 9th?
What: A series of memories, bad and good.
Warnings: Violence, blood, death. Weird trippy dream formatting. Pretty and not-so-pretty colors. A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Taylor Swift reference. Lol remember that time I went on hiatus because my computer broke and then flooded your friends lists from my phone? OOPS?

Beatrice. )

Feb. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Alloy
Where: Crew Lounge on the Bahama Mama then her quarters
When: Just after this is posted, before she comments
What: Alloy's past is catching up to her, she's freaking out
Rating: Medium-ish/High
Warnings: Mentions of: alcoholism, teen pregancy, child abandonment, attempted murder, panic attacks, allusion to depression

Read more... )

Jan. 31st, 2016



[No Subject]

who: sahra bhatt and space walter white, plus a few other npcs
what: “do i talk first or you talk first? i talk first?”
when: while anya is putting together the rescue mission.
where: the anastasia.
warnings: some mild violence; some dumbshit antics bc what am i if not a person who injects stupid jokes into everything


Jan. 22nd, 2016



How come that blood

WHO: Winston
WHAT: Ghosts of his convict past.
WHEN: 17th. This was meant to be up sooner, but writer's block.
WHERE: Pluto
WARNINGS: Death, injury, references to violence

And if you did not care for the wait... )

Jan. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: One Kirby Copeland and several items of gym equipment which never did anybody no harm.
WHAT: When Kirbys Go Wild.
WHEN: IDK todayish?
WHERE: HQ gym.
WARNINGS: Death of a hockey stick.

the slap in her face of someone else enjoying themselves when everyone she cared for was hurt and dying saturated all else with red )

Dec. 14th, 2015



what are they doing in heaven today?

WHO: Noa Garland
WHAT: One day at a time.
WHEN: Evening sometime
WHERE: HQ, med level

The letters on the mirror are barely legible. )