IC Logging for The Warrant

May 2016


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Posts Tagged: '%21backlog'

Mar. 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Alloy
What: Three snapshots of Alloy's past life and something in the present. Would have been more but I need to go to bed
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Child slavery - selling and illusion to it, breaking and entering by a child, grown adult slapping a child (once)

**I've individually cut them and placed warnings relating to the specific events in the drabble**

Alloy, aged 3. Warnings: None (adorableness?) )

Alloy, aged 6 1/2. Warnings: Child abandonment/child slavery/slapping a child's face once )

Alloy, aged 10. Warnings: Children committing crime, talk of child abandonment and slapping of children but nothing graphic, just alluded/mentioned too )

Alloy, present day, Warnings: Talk of alcoholism, mild swearing, illusion to suicidal thoughts and depression. )

Mar. 26th, 2016


[No Subject]

Who: Mathias & Euphie
What: Food pyramid.
Where: SS
When: A few weeks ago, before the food pyramid regiment was implemented.
Warnings: Mentions of violence and unhealthy alcohol intakes.

predictably as Tag had guessed, one of her favourite places on the ship )

Mar. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Solomon Price and Jude Novak
WHAT: Jude's not the only one capable of having a meltdown, yay.
WHEN: Backdated to February 16thish, after coming back from Venus
WHERE: The RAC gym
RATING: Sads, angst.

Whoever you feel you have to be doesn't change how we care about you )



[No Subject]

WHO: René Beau & Mathias Jones
WHAT: much needed spa day
WHEN: so long ago
WHERE: a spa, on ganymede

Mar. 7th, 2016



i think we should run, run, run.

WHO: Solomon Price & Zwei
WHAT: White Russian feels on the way to Venus
WHEN: Backdated to the Venus warrant last month, aka 13/14
WHERE: The Mama, pilots' room
WARNINGS: sads and feelings, but surprise, the ending isn't awful!!!

Can a person live without two kidneys? )

Mar. 6th, 2016


[No Subject]

Who: Whistle & Euphie
What: Hospital bonding.
Where: Ganymede General
When: Backdated a week after the explosion at the HQs.
Warnings: PG-ish, references to violence, injuries, death.

It was, he had decided, far too bland of a room. )

Feb. 25th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Alloy & Zackary Kim
WHAT: Mars
WHEN: They met on the racing scene
WHERE: 2060
WARNINGS: Underage flirting?

Read more... )

Feb. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Puck Naberrie and Amanda Hemingway
WHEN: backdated to when puck demanded a night out
WHERE: Moxie’s on Ganymede
WARNINGS: bullshit

Go bother someone else. Look, there’s some forty-year-old with her tits out. I bet she’d love you. )

Feb. 20th, 2016



Don't go far off, not even for a day

WHO: Euphemia and Winston
WHAT: Post December red bounty, Pluto mission, after the explosion.
WHEN: Early December through to late January. We are time lords.
WHERE: Singapore Sling, Ganymede Central.
WARNINGS: Uuuuhhhh references to blood gore, death and PTSD. Feels.

And what do we say to the god of death, Euphemia? )

Feb. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Gemma Diaz-Petit and Rene Beau
WHAT: Rene has to stop letting his curiosity lead him into trouble.
WHEN: Some time in '70, after Gemma started on the Whiskey Sour
WHERE: Mars University Hospital
WARNINGS: Light! Reference to dead family members

I thought if I became a medic I could keep that from happening to other people. )