March 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Alloy
What: Three snapshots of Alloy's past life and something in the present. Would have been more but I need to go to bed
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Child slavery - selling and illusion to it, breaking and entering by a child, grown adult slapping a child (once)

**I've individually cut them and placed warnings relating to the specific events in the drabble**

Alloy, aged 3. Warnings: None (adorableness?) )

Alloy, aged 6 1/2. Warnings: Child abandonment/child slavery/slapping a child's face once )

Alloy, aged 10. Warnings: Children committing crime, talk of child abandonment and slapping of children but nothing graphic, just alluded/mentioned too )

Alloy, present day, Warnings: Talk of alcoholism, mild swearing, illusion to suicidal thoughts and depression. )