February 24th, 2016


we all needed this in our life

WHO: Ennis Taggart and Castor Vance
WHAT: A series of unfortunate events, vignettes
WHEN: Over the past few years
WHERE: B52 mostly, hospital visit
RATING: Swearing and reference to the kidnapping plot later.

Coincidence didn't cut it anymore — it was outright karma. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Puck Naberrie and Amanda Hemingway
WHEN: backdated to when puck demanded a night out
WHERE: Moxie’s on Ganymede
WARNINGS: bullshit

Go bother someone else. Look, there’s some forty-year-old with her tits out. I bet she’d love you. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Zwei, Solomon Price, Alexandra Campbell
WHAT: Vignettes over the years, the White Russian trio.
WHEN: From '62-Present Day
WHERE: All over the place.
RATING: Some violence and swears. Lots of cutes and sads. The usual.

The screws started rolling once more, and the cards sprang free from the deck like confetti. )