February 11th, 2016



making an effort is a start, easier still just to fall apart.

WHO: Sawyer Clafton & Hector Chasse.
WHAT: Trying to fix misunderstandings, or making a choice.
WHEN: After this.
WHERE: Outside Killian's apartment.
WARNINGS: Swearing.

What do you want from me? )



[No Subject]

Who: Beatrice Krumholt
Where: Io. Tijuana. Pluto. Her mind.
When: The past. More specifically, though, the thoughts went through her head after she got the dossier for this and it kinda doesn't make sense without looking at that? Look at that BEFORE reading this? Oh, for actual When.. the 9th?
What: A series of memories, bad and good.
Warnings: Violence, blood, death. Weird trippy dream formatting. Pretty and not-so-pretty colors. A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Taylor Swift reference. Lol remember that time I went on hiatus because my computer broke and then flooded your friends lists from my phone? OOPS?

Beatrice. )