January 24th, 2016


[No Subject]

Who: Euphemia & Ren, Killian, Jude, Castor.
What: A series of non-linear vignettes.
Where: Various places: HQs, Sling, Pluto.
When: 2064 until now.
Warnings: Violence. Murder. Trauma. Discussions of death. Signs of PTSD.

She doesn't feel like herself. And she is not asleep. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Ennis Taggart and Kirby Copeland
WHAT: Reunion, tears, pigging out and sex talks.
WHEN: The 23rd, when the Sling gets back
WHERE: Ship docking bay, later Kirby's room
RATING: Other than reference to events of the month and swearing? Nooot too high. And a gif in the comments that might creep some people out - our mod is a gift that keeps on giving :>

I think she's going to try to teach me how to be suave )



yay I get to use this icon

Who: Amanda Hemingway and Jaime Tyburn
What: Amanda is here to visit Liam. Jaime escorts her over.
When: Today?
Where: Whiskey Sour
Rating: none...?





WHO: Castor & Jaime
WHAT: Surprise visits with surprise booze.
WHEN: 22nd
WHERE: Ganymede General Hospital
WARNINGS: apart from a mention of death, it's super tame

Lost, Jaime? )