January 22nd, 2016



How come that blood

WHO: Winston
WHAT: Ghosts of his convict past.
WHEN: 17th. This was meant to be up sooner, but writer's block.
WHERE: Pluto
WARNINGS: Death, injury, references to violence

And if you did not care for the wait... )



This one goes out to the one I love

Who: Jaime Tyburn
What: Cuddles.
When: Before Liam is discharged today!
Where: RAC med bay
Rating: -

Are you sure? )



[No Subject]

WHO: Gemma Diaz-Petit & Mara Gonzalez
WHAT: Gemma needs more supplies, they talk, imagine that Gemma is screaming internally through most of this.
WHEN: Right after the Whiskey Sour got back from the bad warrant

We'll have them back to you in no time, querida. Trust in that. )



and when all is said and done, we'll run.

WHO: Eden Lando.
WHAT: Finding out what happened last weekend.
WHEN: Very late Thursday night.
WHERE: Mars.
WARNINGS: Threats, violence, implied past crimes.

At what point did it stop being paranoia and start being survival instincts, anyway? )