December 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Euphemia Corte-Real and Solomon Price
WHAT: Reunion, ongoing talk about Mathias, people care about you Mat.
WHEN: Backdated to the 20thish
WHERE: Singapore Sling
RATING: Light, some mild sads.

Are you looking for a birdie to take under your wing? )



[No Subject]

WHO: Eden Lando and Solomon Price
WHAT: Holiday meet up for qts. I know too much of this guy, sorry.
WHEN: December 27th
WHERE: The Golden Fleece
RATING: Some sexual suggestion, nothing too serious.

It's been a hellish month, and you make it less hellish. )

[No Subject]

Who: Winston Watson & Euphemia Corte-Real
What: A friendship through the years.
Where: SS & Ganymede
When: '67 till '71
Warnings: Mentions of violence, trauma, kidnapping, and drinking.

the metal clicks and whirls, the static buzz of the panels )



[No Subject]

WHO: Tracey Dawes & Ireland Rhodes
WHAT: Present shopping, then discussion of a promotion offer.
WHEN: Prior to Christmas, sometime before Ireland GOT HIMSELF STABBED
WHERE: Ganymede, later Blue Rodeo
WARNINGS: Discussions of death and killing, nothing graphic

You're not your mother )

[No Subject]

Who: Mathias Jones & Euphemia Corte-Real
What: Feels, mixed messages, an emotional mess tbh.
Where: Med bay, SS
When: Post kidnappings, before Christmas.
Warnings: None

Patience was not an infinite resource )



there is nowhere for you to hide.

WHO: Jadzia & Miranda Chasse, ft. Ren.
WHAT: Discussing a bounty, the usual.
WHEN: Sometime this morning
WHERE: HQ, Jadzia's office.
WARNINGS: desk sex, also the usual

His name is Lionel Owen. )