December 15th, 2015


[No Subject]

Who: Rhia & Euphemia
What: Someone is eager to get things started.
Where: SS, Rhia's room.
When: Before this.
Warnings: PG

You reap what you sow )



i had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go.

WHO: Castor Vance & Ireland Rhodes
WHAT: Boundaries and broken masks.
WHEN: Between the morning of the 10th and today
WHERE: Ireland's apartment & HQ briefly
WARNINGS: cas is an emotional trainwreck, implied stuff at the end

Why am I here, Ireland? )



we have different heartbeats, but all the same heartbreak.

WHO: Euphie Corte-Real & Jude Novak
WHAT: Dysfunctions.
WHEN: Shortly after this
WHERE: Singapore Sling cockpit
WARNINGS: bleeding heart alert, also glimmers of PTSD

Mathias told me. )