November 15th, 2015



your fave dumbasses return

WHO: Kira and Jim
WHAT: Kindergarten relationship politics.
WHERE: The Whiskey Sour weight room. We assumed this exists??
WHEN: A couple days after C-Day.
WARNINGS: They are actually 5 years old.

Are you gonna spot me or just stand there? )



[No Subject]

WHO: Kamikaze Crew.
WHAT: Waylaid during the bounty, the crew has a miscommunication with the ISSP and gets arrested.
WHEN: November 15th.
WHERE: Mars.
WARNINGS: Violence, probably swearing too.

This was not going according to plan. )



[No Subject]

Who: Valkyrie Jones and Hector Chasse
Where: Kamikaze Training Room/Gym/Whatever we're calling it?
When: Day after this, 1700 sharp.
What: Sparring. Sass. Accusations of robotic implants.
Warnings: Mild violence?

Guess this is where I find out you’re not the type that’s afraid to hurt a girl… )