War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


December 15th, 2014

no evil

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is it being lazy or is it genius to just give everyone the same exact gift?

do you have to use wrapping paper or can i just wrap everything in newspaper? then everyone can read something too. its like getting two presents.

are ious good for christmas?

santa doesn't really need all of those cookies. feel free to send them to me instead.

December 8th, 2014

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Mom? Dad? Uncle Ben? Uncle Johnny? ... Val?!

Oh, come on, Val's gotta be out there. She's everywhere online.

... Can someone let me borrow bus fare to New York? My family aren't answering their cellphones, and I don't know why I woke up in Kansas anyway, so I'm kinda worried about them.

Oh, right -- look, I promise I'm good for it. My family's the Fantastic Four, you can totally invoice them. They'll pay you back double as long as you're not a supervillain.
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