War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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August 10th, 2015

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Muggle radio is fun.

So is, bringing sexy back about Damon and Stefan?

August 8th, 2015

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This is NOT the common room.

August 3rd, 2015

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[(Backdated to shortly after Regina is herself again) Texts to Robin Hood:]
-- foest boy
-- youe invitd 2 shae a dnk with ose nd i

[(Backdated to shortly after Regina is herself again) Texts to Snow White:]
-- Snow
-- I ned yu to wach the boyz

Public Post after Regina's head stops spinning
First, I'd like to apologize for threatening to hurt anyone who stood in my way. I may not have been in control of my actions but I am still responsible for them. I'd also like to apologize for following through on my threat to cause harm. Those who were hurt did not deserve what happened to them. My path to redemption has not been easy but I had been doing quite well this last year. I suppose now I will have to start all over again.

Second, I now rank whiskey on the same level I do rum. I'll never drink another glass of it again.

Third, have any of you happened to run into a boy claiming to be Peter Pan?

[Magic Users + Winchesters]
My son asked me this afternoon why he had a shadow and I didn't. Were it not for Roland I wouldn't have noticed it was missing. I've a theory all ready in mind but I'm open to hearing what you all have to say.

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Note to self. Having anything to do with Elle turns me into a raving bitch. Thanks Self. Lesson learned.

[Katie & Ange]
I am so sorry, I have no idea where they came from or why.

Apparently making some choices in my past really effected the why I would be later in life. I'm so sorry for the way I spoke to you.


Apparently other me has serious issues....

Sorry I was so horrible to you.

So Ange, when are we actually having Christmas in August now?

August 1st, 2015

AU Alicia

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When they joked this was fly over country they weren't kidding.

And to the bitch with my face, get over it.

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Marcel is gone.

July 31st, 2015

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Looks like Klaus is gone.

And Alicia doesn't remember being here. Another friend as good as gone. I'm getting really tired of this place

[ Caroline ]
So, I was thinking.

July 30th, 2015

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I've burned villages down for far less than what I've been forced to endure for the last three days. Whoever is responsible for this will pay. As will everyone who stands in my way. And I do mean everyone.

July 27th, 2015

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For those of you who actually freaking remember The date auction is being postponed until August 7th. Whatever the hell the seal is up to this time, hopefully it'll be fixed by then.

If you're still normal you, do you think you can help me get the word out to the rest of the city? I know we did a lot of work promoting this, but I don't want to have to cancel last minute if this doesn't get better by Friday night.


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I would suggest you keep your distance from Regina right now.

Particularly those from our world.

July 26th, 2015

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So this is the future huh?

Regina says if I talk to this it'll send people what I say.

Anyway names Megara. Picked up from Thebes and dropped in this mess of a war.

Point is I'm done being left at the whim of gods and monsters so unless you're a heroic wonderboy with plans on fixing the mess you can just help me figure out how to get back.

There's always a way

July 14th, 2015

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Screw this shit. And, fuck this place.

[Filtered to Klaus]

Lets blow this popsicle stand.

July 13th, 2015

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I've noticed that their is lack of people signing up for the date Auction that will be on the 31s, as Thea has pointed out.

I see a few notable men missing, and if you three don't sign up, I am signing all of you up and you don't get a choice.

July 12th, 2015

No known Threats

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I guess I've been avoiding the network for a while since coming back. Still getting used to this whole concept of being not so dead.

Is there an area that seems to be in need of an extra set of hands?

July 10th, 2015

netpost: allison argent

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Sometimes, I think I'm going to wake up and find out the last week was all a bad dream. Pretty stupid, I guess.

( Isaac Lahey )
( Lydia Martin )
We should probably figure out where we're going to live when they let you leave the hospital. I mean, there's room at the bunker, where I've been staying with Lissa, but Sanctuary and Graeves House are both gone.

July 9th, 2015

Posted mid to late afternoon, after previously posted log

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ProTip: If you're not invulnerable, don't climb the piles of rubble, no matter how secure you think they are, because when that rubble decided to shift and you fall, you might just end up in the hospital. Seriously, we have enough magic users around here that if you want to try and recover some of your stuff, there are probably way safer ways to do it than climbing through the rubble and trying to dig it out yourselves.

In related news, Jim broke his arm this morning. He's hilariously high on painkillers at the moment and he's supposed to be resting, so if you need him - don't need him til Monday. Unless it's something me or Regina can help you with, in which case come to us.

I owe you big time. Thanks.

Remind me to buy you dinner or something when things calm down.

July 7th, 2015

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» I'm sorry about Elena
» Is there anything I can do?

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I appreciate being alive again. Really, it's better than the alternative.

But would it have been too much to ask for the Seal to NOT send Elena home before bringing me back? I mean, seriously. If this was supposed to be a trade, I'm really not okay with it.

June 30th, 2015

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As painful as it is, we need a better list of who is and isn't with us.

Bonnie Bennet is no longer with us. I went over to check to see who might need housing and found her.

I don't mean to be harsh, but we need a better understanding.

Bonnie was-

We need to figure it out for all of us.

Lists )

No known threats

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Angels, demons, and humans working together. Clearly bad news when that happens. A shame they couldn't join forces for something good instead, like I did here So damn relieved it was stopped in time. I'm not going down there, will NOT go back down there again Everyone in Greaves House make it out okay? Please tell me if you're all okay, I don't want for any of my friends or neighbors to have been hurt. I'm going back to Greaves now to go help over there, see if anyone needs lifted out for hospital trips. Hope I don't find anything too injured, hope they all got out before

Fortunately I'd grabbed most of the weapons I had from my safe when I left earlier. But everything else I had. Clothes, the video games, movies, large HD TV It's gone. I'm willing to put money towards whatever's needed now. The care packages with essentials that we give to arrivals. Cards, clothes, more amulets. As well as personal belongings like clothes and food, phones, shoes, games, music, hygiene products, laptops, or anything else lost. Whatever is lacking or damaged in the debris, I can help replace it.

And when we find new places to live, or alternatively - if we wish to rebuild, I wish to help fund it along with anyone else who wishes to do so. Just fax or text me the details and we'll get it done. I know we can make it through. We'd lost our homes before and had to rebuild. I'm confident we can do so again.
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