War Is Coming Communications.

September 25th, 2015

September 25th, 2015

Filtered against Harley Quinn.

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You ever tell someone off and find yourself feeling not even the tiniest bit satisfied by it even though you know you should?

I kinda feel itchy instead.

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Got a question for you.

What's the last thing you remember? Apparently that's a thing here. Timeline discrepancies. Who'd have thought, yeah? Minding your own business, and then oops! Timeline's off.

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So early this morning I'm about 95% sure I was able to see heat signatures like I was looking through a scope but hey, I didn't have a scope as I was headed to feed Nik.

At least this will make night archery a bit easier. Once I figure out how to turn it on and off.

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Sometimes this place just sucks.

I'm going to the liquor store.

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I keep dreaming about P3. I guess that means I'm really missing the place.
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