War Is Coming Communications.

July 5th, 2015

War Is Coming Communications.


July 5th, 2015

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Is Sanctuary really gone?

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Lexi's gone.

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I don't understand the point of yesterday. The celebrating, the - fireworks? - the party and everything. This is how you grieve in this world? How you put people to rest?

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It'll take a full year probably before I'm used to holidays here, but in general I think I'm beginning to get used to being here. Of course about the time the place started to feel like home, I'm having to get used to a new location. That's not all bad though.

Also I lifted quite a bit of rubble out of Sanctuary. If anyone has things they were missing, or stuff - I mean, a lot was destroyed, but I might be able to tell you if I saw it, or help you go through what's left.

[Filter: Thea]
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for taking me and Mom in after all of this. It's good to have some place friendly to stay.
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