War Is Coming Communications.

April 19th, 2015

April 19th, 2015

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Pretty Little Liars? Really? That's what they called

I should probably try and finish school and things if I'm gonna be stuck here, right?

But, obvious issue with that is, that I don't exist here. Can someone help?

No Evil

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Is everyone feeling alright after the power swap? Everyone's back to normal, right?

Is anyone feeling any adverse effects at all? Any fluctuations in their power, anything strange come from becoming human/vampire/witch etc which doesn't appear to have gone away?

Oh, and hello new people/ My name is Jemma Simmons, and I run the med centre. I may have come across a number of you when you first arrived. But, just so you all know. The medical care I provide is completely free to the displaced. The joys of the seals occasional good deed, of giving us wishes.

But, if you need anything, Such as, vaccinations if you're from another time and place. Please do pop by, and I'll make sure I get you sorted out.

texts to grant ward.

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✉ May's here.
✉ I probably should have said something earlier.
✉ Don't panic.
✉ Nat and I are going to talk to her, make sure she doesn't do anything rash.
✉ Please don't do anything rash yourself.
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