War Is Coming Communications.

January 17th, 2015

January 17th, 2015

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I'm Capt'n Jack Harkness and I just wanted to say thank you for finding me and getting help its appreciated. I imagine I can't have been a pretty sight.

No Evil

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Any extra slots available for patrols? I want to do whatever I can to help.


Hey. How are you doing? And are you up for a visit? I got you something from Russia.


Thank you for coming back and getting us. I'm glad I'm back here instead of five thousand miles away. Can I take you out to dinner tonight as thanks? It probably isn't enough, but I do remember you like being treated to food and drink.

[OOC: Backdated to Friday since OMG my new job is wiping me out and I went to bed really early last night]
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