War Is Coming Communications.

February 28th, 2014

February 28th, 2014

Filter to Caroline

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Honey I need to say some things, about all of this, and you need to listen cause you maybe the only shot we have at salvage.

1. The woman is dealing with a soulless husband. She's gone nuts. And I looked back and she's never threatened the Originals before, never claimed to like them, or any of us. But I know Sam, proper Sam. And he wouldn't be married to someone irredeemable.
2. People are scared, nervous or angry, because nothing can stop that family. Nothing here. And while that's true of some others here, they're not as....braggy.
3. Dialogue needs to happen, it needs to. But not right now. Because it'll go nowhere until they find Sam. And honestly I don't think she'll say sorry. Equally though I don't think she'll hex anyone. I think she lashed out and they lashed back and it lead to this BS. There are others beyond Ruby that are wary.
4. You need to be careful. I know you love Klaus. I do. But just...don't let that blind you to the world around you.

And you can hate me all you want for saying it, but I just needed you to know.

Beyond that, we can fix this, we have to


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[Friends Who Aren't Mitchell]

How awful a girlfriend am I if I troll my Irish boyfriend with St. Patrick's Day?


Hi, handsome. I'm kidnapping an outlaw. When I return from said kidnapping, I will likely need nourishment. Care to join?

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Spent half the night on the floor throwing knives and other objects into the holes on the ceiling in this hotel. I've reached a new level of boredom.
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