War Is Coming Communications.

July 10th, 2010

July 10th, 2010

Filtered against baddies.

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I can admit when I'm wrong and be mature about it. Apparently my approach was too forceful. And I'm sorry. I don't want to take over the complex, Im not trying to make anyone feel like they'll be thrown out. That so wasn't going to happen even if you said no. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt if we can avoid it. The classes can probably still remain if you all still want them. But nothing will happen if you don't or can't. I wasn't aiming to upset anyone.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Okay. Just pointing out here, the classes that Booth mentioned aren't mandatory. They are highly recommended, yes.

We want you guys to be able to defend yourselves should the need arise. But we're not going to force you into them or kick you out if you don't take them. They're recommended.

If you want to pass on them, keep in mind that in the long run you're putting yourself, as well as others around you, at risk. Around here there's way too many things that can seriously hurt you or even do you in to just think they're not important.

And yes. Buffy is gone. We're all well aware of that by now. Yes, I have been quiet lately. But I've been in the background trying to sort things out. She wasn't the only person in charge of the complex, after all. And we had divided up a lot of the leadery things between the two of us, so I've been going over everything that she was in charge of and considering revising some things.

But do me a favor and don't expect me to be all snippy about everything simply because she was. I don't know what happened in this place to make her start acting like that, but she wasn't always that way. Keep in mind that I actually know how to have disagreements with people without making myself look like an id letting it spiral out of control nine times out of ten.

As of right now the chain of command for the heads of the complex goes me, then Paige, then Needy. This is one of the things I'm working on revising somewhat, not because I feel like there's an issue with the leaders but because I feel that you guys tend to forget that Buffy wasn't the only one working on things here. She was co-head with me, which means that I'm solo-head for right now. She wasn't alone. She was just... loud. And opinionated.

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trwo le

  fuvkng ketyboadrd stsop miovnining oh comeo

gtjnsys weeeere akkk

fucn whjy cagnt i

5,.. 34, 23.21

6,5,4,3,2,1, btyrree

[ooc: Why, yes, this is a reallydrunk!incoherent!Chuck!post, in which Chuck is incoherently babbling about seals. He will not make much sense in comments, and will not be commenting for very long due to, um, increasing concentration of alcohol in his bloodstream. Carry on.]

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Do people assume I'm going to go mad while fighting or something?

I don't mind. It's probably even sensible. I'm just curious.

Also, What's Star Trek and why do their fans rant at the fans of my family's story?

Filtered to Romana

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I'm back in town, and was wondering if you'd like to meet me for dinner? This time around, I won't be devouring everything in sight, I promise. I would like to have dinner with you and talk.

Filtered: Dean Winchester

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I understand Buffy has gone vanished been sent back left.

You have my sympathies. 
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