War Is Coming Communications.

June 14th, 2010

June 14th, 2010

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Hey guys!

I'm at this rental video store and they're holding a going out business sale. Tons of DVDs for $5 and under! So if you want to name off your favorite movies, I can see if they have them and I'll pick them up. Maybe additions to the media library?

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It's one thing to deal with demons. Another matter entirely when those demons convince humans to work with them. Had them busting down our salt lines and charging in with regular people in tow for leverage. My money was on them being cultists, but who knows.

You guys doing all right at home? We're still out looking for Lilith hunting, but we're intact and all.

Filtered to Fred

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This is taking too long, he's not...he'll do it again if...
Maybe Pheobe could use a second mind on this

Fred. You're knowledgeable about magic and how it might relate to science.

Can I ask you to help me with something?

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I've decided I want to learn to drive. It can't be that difficult. Anyone willing to teach? I promise to hold back on the lightning.

I'll leave the flying to my sister if she decides she wants to do so here.

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i//.7 dont understand. explain this glowing box.

[ooc: no, Zuko's never seen a computer in his life XD]
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