War Is Coming Communications.

January 26th, 2010

January 26th, 2010

[Filtered against the bad guys]

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So let's try this again now that I have a proper computer and I'm not coming off all crazy-like because I'm mostly over that phase. Kind of. I have my days.

I'm Fred Burkle. I know a couple of y'all but to the rest, hi and nice to meet you! I was wondering if anyone had some books or something that I could read a little more in depth about this place? I used to do research back where I came from so it's that curiosity that doesn't go away and this place does sound really fascinating from what I've heard so far.

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Y'know... finding a place to live might not be such a... bad idea right about now.

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I'm gonna be back in Lawrence in a couple days. Won't be a terribly long visit, but I'll be around to take care of stuff where I'm most needed. Mostly making sure that Dean is all ri

That aside, I wanted to let you all know that Alastair is dead. He's no longer a threat, therefore you don't have to worry about him any longer. This may be old news to all of you, but I haven't been reading much along these boards lately so you'll have to forgive me for being repetitive if it was announced already.

Another thing...

In regards to Ruby. )

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Finally picked up Computer Magazine, Customization issue. I was getting bored without them. I already finished the next two weeks worth of homework. I needed something.

[Filtered to Bobby]
Er hey, you don't know me. But Sam told me to get in touch with you, that you've got a library or something I can take a look at? lamest introduction in the history of lame, Tim.

[Filtered to Bart]
I lied.

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A 'football' match in a London pub is possibly one of the most intense things I've ever witnessed.

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noc, nobs.

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SMlvil wens dTE/
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