War Is Coming Communications.

December 20th, 2009

December 20th, 2009

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Favorite home cooked dishes? I need ideas.

filtered against baddies.

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Let me make something very clear:

My name is Sam. I'll even occasionally accept Samuel.

Yet Sammy is not to be used under any circumstances. I usually don't hang around people long enough for them to start making nicknames for me, but since it seems to be a bit of a problem lately I'd like to put that out there and be done with it.

I know it's probably stupid to most of you, but it's a pet peeve of mine and I'd really appreciate it if you respected that. Thank you.

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After much resting I am not back to my regular oh-so-cheerful self. (Why yes, the "cheerful" part was sarcasm.)

We're still kid free, right?
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