War Is Coming Communications.

December 11th, 2009

December 11th, 2009

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How are you all doing with the kids? Is there anything that I can do to help?

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This place is sooooo boring
Can we go camping yet

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Miss Felicia )

edit:Miss Paige )

Filtered to Paige and Needy

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You are to bring us camping. I'm sure there is a sutible place around here. You are to arrange it for tonight!

See, I'm playing nicely with the others

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I have a new respect for my father, for working all day and still having the patience to put up with me at home.Even though I don't think I got into as much trouble as Lois is.

And soon I go back to work for a double shift. I took my funding for Isis and private funding from Queen Industries for granted. A perk to working at a gas station, I get free coffee!
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