War Is Coming Communications.

December 5th, 2009

December 5th, 2009

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Alright, you've all been here a while and well... a lot of that time I've been busy with the crazy that is averting an apocolypse. So come on, all of you, one fun fact about yourself, one thing you've always wanted but don't think you could ever have, and why you've chosen to stay around and fight with me and the boys rather than running and hiding like some people have.

...I'm curious, so sue me.

After you answer.

And in the spirit of fair play,

I was a witch before I was ever a demon and still pack an impressive bit of mojo in that department even now, wanted, well...the obvious, the noramlity I gave up 800 years ago, and I don't really have a choice in the stay and fight thing, if we fail hell wins, Lilith winds up all in charge and no one wants that.
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