War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 8th, 2014

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Who: Little!Peter Vincent, Amy Peterson
What: Little!Peter doesn't know where he is.
Where: Phoenix House
When: Saturday, March 8th, 2014
Status: Closed, Ongoing

He went for the safest place he could think of... )

September 24th, 2013

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Olivia Vincent and Amy Peterson
Her arrival into the Apocalypse!
Tuesday morning, September 24, 2013;
PG-13 (for mentions of death and such)/Complete

The last thing she remembered thinking was where Peter was and hoping he was safe. The last thing she remembered feeling was pain.Read more... )

August 14th, 2013

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Who: Amy Peterson and Charley Brewster
What: Enjoying the Perseid meteor shower together to get back in the dating game.
When: the night after this post
Where: the complex roof
Status: Incomplete/In progress

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June 9th, 2013

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Who: Amy Peterson and Peter Vincent. She started out patrolling with Spike, but split up prior to this thread.
What: Amy decided to patrol again tonight, but she didn’t count on running into Peter.
Where: An alley, at first, but eventually a warehouse.
When: After dark tonight (Sunday night)
Warning: This gets dark and vampire Peter has a foul mouth.
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September 20th, 2012

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Who: Amy and Charley
What: Talking. It's not going to be pretty.
Where: Amy's apartment
When: around 6 o clock today
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September 14th, 2012

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Who: Amy (narrative)
What: Amy is haunted by the spirit of Ed Lee
Where: Priestly’s apartment at the complex
When: present day, morning (set as if Priestly stepped out for a moment)
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September 9th, 2012

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Who: Amy Peterson and Boaz Priestly
What: Chilling out after the bonfire
Where: Still lingering at the pavilion where the bonfire took place
When: technically sunday, in the wee hours of the morning
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July 11th, 2012

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Who: Amy Peterson and Priestly
What: Road tripping and grabbing something to eat
When: Tuesday, around 8PM
Where: The van and eventually a restuarant
Warnings: None, really. Will update if that somehow changes.
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June 1st, 2012


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Who: Amy and Priestly
What: Amy is over at Priestly's apartment in the middle of a nightmare.
Where: Priestly's apartment
When: Friday Night
Status: Incomplete
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May 21st, 2012

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Who: Amy Peterson, open to Peter Vincent
What: Amy is stopping by Peter's place with donuts and coffee drinks, a sort of temporary replacement for Midori.
Where: The apartment complex, Peter's apartment
When: Afternoon, Monday May 21
Warnings: Possibly language, but otherwise fine
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April 24th, 2012

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Who: Amy Peterson and whoever might find her
What: Amy set out for a run at the school's track but wound up running in a Lawrence, Kansas park.
Where: The park in Lawrence
When: Tuesday afternoon
Status: Incomplete/Open
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