War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


April 27th, 2011

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Who: Anakin, Tahiri, Alema
What: Alemamurder
Where: A brothel.

When he had known Alema she was a friend.. )

April 15th, 2011

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Who: Anakin and Alema Rar
What: Fighting bugs and then a run in.
When: Today!
Where: the streets
Warnings: fighty fighty fighty and maybe some added mind fuckery?

His light saber in hand giving off it's radiant blue violent glow and swiftly cut down the two nearest leaving only one standing.. )

April 14th, 2011

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Who: The Gorog Nest
What: They're heeerrre
Where: A disused warehouse
When: Wedensday Evening
Rating: Low
Status: Complete.

[Note: Feel free to use the bugs as you want for logs, killing, attack etc. They work mostly as they do in the log. They're a hive mind but they'll break off for attacks etc. They're strong, they're fast, they vary in size. If one dies the others will know so its best for the killer to get the hell out of dodge Its all on the Wookiepedia entry I linked for Killiks. This is one of a whole load of nests, the one that went dark. They won't go down easy but they will go down against a powerful enemy, you guys know your pups capabilities. Alema and the top few Gorog will go down next week at some point in a blaze of doom but all the others are to be used for funtimes. Tag the log as I have this one with ~ the gorog nest ~ so its findable later.  I'll post updates with what the rest of the swarm gets up to as the week goes on. Any questions ask me :)]

April 13th, 2011

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Who: Alema Rar & Tenel Ka Djo
What: Daddy is disappointed in yooou
Where: Not far from her apartment
When: The day before the Killiks arrive
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

February 21st, 2011

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Who: Alema Rar and Anakin Solo
What: Exploring, almost like old times if she wasn't crazy and he wasn't traumatised
Where: A park a little ways from the Complex
When: 20th Feb - Late Afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

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