War Is Coming RPG.

December 2nd, 2013

December 2nd, 2013

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Who: Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale
What: Contemplating.
Where: Leaving the school and walking around town, so wherever.
When: After school Monday.
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing.
Rating: PG for angst. Also spoilers through the end of 3A and for the trailers of 3B

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin/I must confess that I feel like a monster/I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun/I must confess that I feel like a monster. )

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Who: Charlie McGee and James Kirk
What: It’s time for shakes and pool and talking about troubling things.
Where: Starting at the ice cream shop.
When: Friday
Warnings: TBA, but I don’t think any.
Status: Incomplete
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